25 - Hickey

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Chan was still a little shocked from the sudden action, but he eventually kissed back. Felix slowly slid his hand toward the blonde's, and the intertwined their fingers together as they shared a passionate kiss.

They pressed their lips against each other's, tasting the sweetness and getting a feel of the butterflies roaming through their bodies.

Chan pulled away to catch his breath and smile at the Felix, who was now blushing deeply as the older still hovered over him.

The two looked into each other's eyes for a bit, and just by looking at Chan, Felix's heart was pounding like crazy. He couldn't believe he was dating such an angel.

They made eye contact until Chan's eyes slowly roamed towards another direction. Then, he leaned down towards the younger male.

"What is it?" Felix asked, and to his response, Chan gave a soft smile. It was soft, but it also seemed as if Chan planned on doing something.

"Felix. You're mine, and i'm yours. Remember that." With this, Chan left a few kisses on Felix's neck, before gently biting onto it. Felix then covered his mouth almost immediately to hide the noise that he nearly let out.

Chan smiled before attacking Felix's sweet spot, replacing those old disgusting marks from Jaehyun, with his own.

Chan finally pulled away from Felix to view the male's neck, which is now covered with purple marks all over it. Chan smiled at the sight while Felix on the other hand just pouted. Felix would've been embarrassed if he accidentally let out a noise, so he was feeling lucky that he didn't.

"Now, no one can try taking you again." Chan smiled. Felix smiled back and sat up to hug the male, holding him tightly and not wanting to let go.


"Ahh~ I'm exhausted." Felix yawned as he packed up his books. He finally finished his last class of the day and was excited to go meet with his friends. He skipped out of the classroom and headed into the bathroom, not even being aware of the presence that approached him secretly.

"He's in the bathroom now."

"Go in there. Update me."

Felix came out of the stall and turned on the water to wash his hands. He turned around as he felt someone staring at him, which he wouldn't usually mind.

However, this feeling didn't seem like what it usually would, it was more like someone was spying on him. He brushed it off anyway and continued washing his hands, then ran out the bathroom.

"He only washed his hands, but I feel like he knew someone was here."

"Be more careful. Don't get caught, Kei."


Felix grabbed his things before making it to Hyunjin and Minho finally. Everyone else was busy, so they weren't able join, but the three were happy to be together again after a while.

"I see you're still short."

"I see you're still obsessed with Hatsune Miku, and Minho you shouldn't be laughing, you're only 1 inch taller than me." Felix smirked, feeling proud at his 'thought of at the last minute' comeback.

"Leave Miku out of this." Hyunjin rolled his eyes while Minho on the other hand was too busy still laughing to reply to Felix's comeback. Felix just smiled, he really enjoys when Minho is happy. The three exited the school building and went on to make their way to a cafe.

"Your freckles are really beautiful." A man in a white coat said as he approached Felix. Felix raised a brow, wondering if the male was talking to him or not until he handed Felix a card. Minho and Hyunjin looked over to see what the card was.

"What is this?" Felix asked with a confused expression.

"Well you see, we're looking for a model to fill in the role of our original one since she recently quitted. Are you interested?" And Felix instantly nodded, he's always wanted to try modeling. The male smiled and bowed down to Felix, who bowed down to him as well, before walking off.

"You're very pretty, you'll do great." Minho said as he patted Felix's head. Felix giggled and Hyunjin nodded in agreement to the oldest one's comment. The three then continued walking towards the cafe as they originally planned to.

Felix couldn't stop smiling as he stared at the card. That is, until he recalled the hickeys on his neck. He was wearing a scarf so no one would be able to see them, but he completely forgot that they were there. He then started swearing to Chan inside his head as he wondered how the hell he would model now.


Chan finished up his computer work for school and huffed of exhaustion before he opened another tab to start on his general work. He scrolled through files and applications to work on, but as he picked up a brownie, Felix came across his mind.

If Felix wasn't next to him, he'd be on Chan's mind 24/7. Because of that, Chan took longer than usual to finish up his work. But it's not that he was irritated by it. In fact, he was glad that he had someone who means this much to him.

He shook his head and placed his hand on the computer mouse to continue working until he heard a knock on the door. He jumped from his chair in excitement, with the thought of Felix on his mind.

He opened the door hurriedly, only to be met by a card being shoved in his face. He raised an eyebrow and grabbed the card to observe it, then his eyes lightened.

"You have a modeling session tomorrow?" He asked. Instead of answering with words, Felix pointed at his neck and glared at Chan. The older looked to where Felix was pointing, then laughed nervously.

"Well if I knew you'd have a modeling session, I wouldn't have done that. Just use makeup." Felix just rolled his eyes and started to walk off, but was stopped by Chan grabbed his wrist and pushing him against the wall once again. He rested his hands on both sides of Felix's head, smiling at the younger's flustered reaction.

"I'm sorry, ok? I love you." The older then leaned in for a kiss, and Felix just couldn't resist kissing back. He smiled into the kiss and pulled away to walk Felix over to the couch and sit him down to cuddle, and the two did just that.

"I'll only let it pass this once." Felix pouted, and Chan just laughed in return.


"So? What happened."

"I'm not sure how you'll handle this."

"Just tell me."

"Well...they're dating."

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