3 - Chemistry

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They finally finished their lunch, walking out after throwing away their platters and bottles that were filled with beverages.

Now that they already finished their first periods, which always have to do with their majors and their second period which is lunch, they're finally having their third periods which are the general classes such as math, science, reading, etc.

Seungmin had science along with Jisung, Jeongin had reading, while Felix had chemistry.

"Great, i'll be alone again." Felix complained to himself as he and his three friends all waved goodbye to each other and walked off. He looked on his watch to check the time. Looks like there will be 1 hour and 30 minutes being spent without his friends.

"𝘏𝘰𝘱𝘦𝘧𝘶𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘪'𝘭𝘭 𝘴𝘦𝘦 𝘏𝘺𝘶𝘯𝘫𝘪𝘯 𝘰𝘳 𝘔𝘪𝘯𝘩𝘰." He thought to himself as he walked unwillingly to his class. But not much to his surprise after looking around the class once he entered, neither Hyunjin or Minho was there.

Instead, there were a bunch of people staring at him again and an teacher asking him to introduce himself, which he did do so since he didn't in dance class. He walked towards the window to pick up goggles and a jacket, then headed towards table R, the table that he was assigned to.

"Hi, i'm Mei." A girl instantly introduced herself, reaching her hand out for him as soon as he walked over to the table, which he wasn't that surprised about, but he wasn't used to someone already wanting to approach him.

He just shook her hand back and smiled at her. And just like that, they already got started onto mixing chemicals to make perfume. There were liquids in front of them, which were also samples for the scents of perfumes that they'd choose to use.

The options were oak, cotton candy, rose, and honey. Felix, without hesitation, chose oak. Just as he was about to empty the sample into the cup of water, Mei came over to him, smiling as he glanced over to her.

"Can we work together?" She asked. And of course Felix had no problem with it. He agreed to working together with her, putting a bright smile on her face. She actually chose rose while he chose oak, so then the two had to decide between rose or oak for the scent, until she came up with an idea.

"How about we mix them together?" She said. The sound of it actually sounded very appealing and gave off a natural scent of perfume, so he agreed to do it.

Turns out that no one's ever mixed two perfumes at once, so this would be the first time it happened. He carefully put the sample of oak into a tube and squeezed it successfully into the water.

But when Mei tried putting the rose sample into the tube, she slipped and ended up spilling the liquid everywhere, causing the glass to shatter and catch the attention of their table and everyone in the class, leaving her to panic.

"I'm really sorry! Felix are you okay?" She asked with high concern in her voice.

"Don't worry i'm okay, it's o-" But before he could even finish, he was cut off by the anger of his teacher who walked over to scold the two.

"And again." Felix mumbled to himself as he was being scolded for the second time today. He found it quite amusing how he kept walking into trouble wherever he was.

One moment he's smiling about being liked by everyone he attended school with, the next he's being scolded by his teachers. He was already having mixed feelings about school and it hasn't even been 7 hours yet. What is this? Bad luck?

Just as he was being scolded, the whole room went silent. All you could hear now was the teacher yelling at him. The silence was so loud that it even made the teacher shut up to see what was going on.

Again, not to Felix's surprise, Chan was there at the window grabbing a jacket once he fixed the goggles on his head.

Chan then turned around after the teacher stopped yelling, only to find the man staring at him along with everyone else, not even knowing that the student he was scolding was Felix because he was standing in front of him.

"Oh, did I interrupt something?" Chan asked. And the teacher, Mr. Kim, walked over to him and pointed over to where Felix was, making Chan turn his head to the boy who instantly turned away from the two.

"That boy, please go help him. His partner obviously isn't doing a good job." He whispered shouted to Chan, but quiet enough so that Mei couldn't hear. He just nodded and walked over to Felix, then turned to face Mei. She smiled slowly before walking away to let Chan take her place.

Felix on the other hand just bit his lip while holding his breath, hoping Chan wouldn't realize he was there, not knowing that Chan was already standing next to him.

"What are you all doing? Go back to working." The two heard Mr. Kim angrily yell before he walked up to the front to monitor everyone again and everyone instantly went back to working.

"Felix." Chan gently called, sending shivers up the shorter boy's spine. Felix slowly stopped holding his breath along with letting his lips go, then looked up at Chan.

"What were you doing?" Chan asked with a laugh as he slowly lifted Felix's hand up to wipe off the liquid spilled. Felix turned to see his hand in Chan's hand, then slowly removed his hand, not wanting to shock Chan before nervously laughing.

"Just trying something new." He replied awkwardly. There it is again, the awkward Felix. It was then when he started wondering why the hell he always had to turn awkward situations more awkward with that nervous tone and laugh of his.

"Seems like every time we meet, you're in trouble." Chan laughed. Felix just rolled his eyes, he couldn't agree more. So the rest of the period, Chan and Felix worked together, just using oak this time.

And there Felix learned that not only was Chan good at helping people, but he was also good at cleaning and making perfume.

𝘍𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘪𝘨𝘯𝘦𝘳 ~ 𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘭𝘪𝘹Where stories live. Discover now