26 - Modeling

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"Should I wear this one?" Felix asked Jisung as he took out a black turtleneck, black jeans, and a long white jacket.

"That's so straight. Hell no." Jisung replied before grabbing the outfit and throwing it back in the closet. Felix rolled his eyes and sat on the bed while the other rummaged through the closet full of clothes.

"You're going to model, so let's do something sexy."

"There's no way I can do sexy." Felix pouted.

"You can and you will, hush." Jisung continued searching the closet while Felix just laid on bed and watched him. Jisung then pulled out a light purple sweater, a white belt, and a light purple skirt. Felix then blushed at the sight.

He loves wearing skirts, but he didn't know how modeling in a skirt would be. He jumped from the bed and grabbed the outfit from Jisung's hands, then threw it on the bed.

"I can't wear a skirt." He crossed his arms.

"Why not? Is it too embarrassing?"

"I don't think they'd allowed it." At this, Jisung just sighed. He picked up the outfit and shoved toward Felix, then pushed the male in the bathroom. Of course he wouldn't just let this opportunity slip. Plus, he really wanted to see Felix modeling in a skirt.

Felix came out, and for a second, Jisung swore he almost passed out. The outfit looked so good on Felix that it'd be hard to describe in words. It was a mixture of cute, sexy, and elegant all in one. And Felix's perfect body figure just made it even better.

"Wear it. I'm telling you." Jisung eagerly said. He ran back to the closet and pulled out a white beret and a long white jacket, then helped Felix put them on. Jisung nodded in approval at the sight, satisfied from the outfit.

Felix looked in the mirror, and also nodded. The outfit wasn't bad at all. Then he started doing twirls and poses, and Jisung couldn't help but fanboy.

"Wear it, wear it, wear it!" Jisung chanted. Felix rolled his eyes.

"Alright, i'll wear it." Jisung jumped up excitedly and ran over to hug the boy, who just laughed in return.


"Yes, perfect!" Mr.Jeong shouted as the boy dressed in purple, swung his hips to every movement of every pose he struck. Mr.Jeong photographed Felix from every angle, every facial expression, and every movement.

Surprisingly, the man was more happier to be taking photos of Felix in a skirt, because even he could pull it off. Felix is the perfect model, the perfect beauty. Every time the camera flashes, his freckles would be more on display. He's truly a masterpiece made for this kind of thing.

Mr.Jeong took his last sets of photos before wrapping up the segment. He handed over a glass of water to Felix and couldn't help but stare at the boy in awe, even when he was just drinking water.

"You're really perfect, Felix. Anyone would be happy to have you." At this, Felix blushed. He never thought of himself as "perfect", but the thought of Chan being happy made him happy. He smiled and put his glass of water down on a table before Jisung ran over to him.

"I knew this outfit was a good idea." Felix giggled at the comment, and at the male who stared at him with eyes full of admiration. Felix always got the spotlight, but as of right now, he was seriously enjoying it.

Felix and Jisung went to sit over down at the couch as they waited on the outcome of Felix's photos. Jisung ranted and ranted about how the rest of their friends would react at the photos, and Felix laughed at the older's excitement.

Mr.Jeong bought over the photos along with a bowl of fruit as Jisung ordered. The 'twins' nodded and Felix observed the photos from head to toe. Jisung was far too busy eating his fruit, as if he forgot all about the photos.

"Wow, it came out really well." That's when Jisung looked over to see them, and he raised his eyebrows at the sight.

"They really did, you look so hot." Jisung said, making Felix laugh again. Felix was glad that he had asked Jisung to come with him, the older always knew exactly what he was doing.

"Well then, we'll be heading off." Felix stood up with his friend, who wouldn't leave the bowl of fruit alone. As the two headed out the room, Felix was stopped by Mr.Jeong calling his name.

"Wait, Felix." Felix tuned around to see the male running towards him.

"I'll wait for you at the car." Jisung said, and then he headed out after receiving a nod of acknowledge from Felix. Then the purple-haired boy turned back to Mr.Jeong, who handed him a note along with a small package. The package was as small as a chocolate bar, but it was quite heavy.

"Here, this is for you." The man said to Felix before bowing and walking off. Felix bowed as well with a smile, then walked off to the car where Jisung awaited.

"What did he say?" The older asked before putting on his seat belt, and placing the now empty bowl in the backseat. Felix then showed the package to Jisung.

"Open it." And the younger did just that. He opened the package to find a bunch of money in it, a long with a note. His eyes widened at the sight, and Jisung's hand slapped over his mouth.

The package was filled with about $5000 USD. Felix stared with wide eyes at the amount, then looked back over at the building. He just smiled and took a look at the note.

"Lee Felix, you've done an outstanding job today. Therefore, I am writing to you a proposal to take on this job as a model. The money i've provided with this note is the amount of money you'd be paid every time you come and model for me. If you've made up your mind, then contact me at (063-xxx-xxx)."

Felix smiled brightly at the note and Jisung looked over to read it, then he turned back to Felix.

"You should do it." He suggested as he went back to sit in his seat and start up the vehicle. Felix was considering it for a bit, he's always wanted to model and this was the perfect opportunity to do so.

However, he didn't want to do it without Chan and Minho's opinions. Minho is his brother, and Chan is his boyfriend, meaning that they can both be equally overprotective. Felix didn't want to do anything without their approval.

He just sat back in his seat, and stared at the window as Jisung drove off from the building. He wondered what his future as a model would be like.

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