23 - Troublesome

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Felix slowly opened one eye to look around the bright space of his living room. For some reason the atmosphere felt different to him. Maybe because it was the weekend, or maybe it was because of the good weather. Or because he was currently cuddling with Chan, his boyfriend, on the couch.

In that moment, he was having feeling he's never felt before causing him blush and clench onto his chest. He jumped up from the couch and ran into the kitchen, making the older wake up.

"What are you doing?" Chan groaned while slowly sitting up on the couch. Felix paused himself in the process of running to turn and look at Chan, who even looked good with messy bed hair.

Felix just awkwardly smiled and turned back around to continue walking in the kitchen, but was stopped by the comforting arms of Chan wrapping around him.

Chan placed his head on the younger's shoulder and gave the boy a little peck on his neck. Felix covered his face to hide the blush being deeply displayed on his cheeks, earning a chuckle from Chan, who held tightly onto the younger.

"𝘈𝘩...𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘮𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘣𝘦 𝘢 𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮." Felix thought to himself while keeping his face held in his small hands.


"This is why I don't tell you idiots anything." Felix rolled his eyes before taking a sip of his Iced Americano. He was at the cafe he always goes to, sitting across from Seungmin and Jeongin who wouldn't stop squealing from the news they just heard.

"You and Chan are a thing? For real?" Seungmin asked eagerly, barely able to contain his happiness and excitement for the male sitting across from him. Felix nodded in return and the maknaes only got more excited. Felix just smiled at their cuteness, then turned to face the male walking towards their table.

"So, you work here now?" Felix asked Jisung, looking up at him as he was wearing an apron, a hat, and holding a platter. Jisung nodded and placed down Jeongin's order for a refill, then Felix smirked.

"You look really sexy in that, you know" Felix teased.

"Your boyfriend wouldn't want to hear that, and neither would mine" The older then lightly poked Felix in the stomach and walked off with a smirk while Felix just pouted.

"He makes good coffee so i'll let it pass." Felix took another sip of his almost empty Americano, which Jeongin and Seungmin couldn't help but laugh at.

The three all finished up their coffee and Felix jumped up from his seat to pay. He was excited which was new since Felix never seemed motivated to pay. He's just in that much of a good mood.

Jisung cleaned up the counter while the rest waited for him to leave with them, then put up his apron and dashed to the younger ones.

They all chatted together, smiling and laughing. The mood was really great as the sun was shining, the weather wasn't too hot or too cold, and best of all, the four were together having fun.

Well that good atmosphere came to an end once they came across none other than Kang Yuri. Jeongin sighed, Seungmin just gave her an awkward smile, Felix looked down at the ground. And Jisung, who had no idea of the situation, waved excitedly to her.

He grabbed Yuri's hand and pulled her over to the three, letting her join along with them. Which the rest were clearly uncomfortable with.

"Hi Jisung." Yuri smiled, then looked over to Felix who bit his lip nervously. Yuri knew he did that whenever he was nervous, which made her suspicion rise.

"Hi Felix." She smiled at him as he looked up at her. He smiled back and looked back at the ground, not even bothering to say hi back or at least wave. Jeongin, who knew better than anyone of the problem, finally broke silence.

"We really have somewhere to go right now Yuri." He didn't even bother to spare her a glance or a chance to speak, he just signaled the others to follow him to the bus stop where they were going to head to in the first place.

Yuri turned to look at the four who barely looked back at her as they all walked faster away from her, including Jisung. She scoffed and brushed off her shoulder before going to fix her clothes, but then stopped to think as she gripped tightly onto her sleeve.

"Felix. Why did he look so..." She immediately just shook her head, deciding to ignore her thoughts that recalled the discomfort all over Felix. She just walked off to head in the cafe and get the coffee she wanted.


"Of all people we just had to run into her." Jeongin complained while taking a bite of 3 pocky sticks at a time. Jisung huffed while bringing over the cups full of coffee to the table in the middle of the living room. Even outside of work he's the coffee man.

"I don't get why you dislike Yuri so much." Jisung said to the youngest. Really, no one except Seungmin understands Jeongin's point of view on Yuri. Even Felix doesn't know that he's the victim of Yuri.

"You're too naive to understand." Jeongin took another bite of the pocky stick. Jisung tutted, he swore that after Jeongin took a disliking to Yuri, he became a total delinquent.

"You're not even eating the pocky stick correctly." The oldest one pointed out in annoyance. He grabbed a pocky stick and walked over to Jeongin while Seungmin and Felix just observed.

Jisung pushed the pocky stick towards Jeongin as his way of telling the younger to put it in his mouth, and the boy did so. Then Jisung put the other end of the pocky into his mouth and started chewing onto it, moving forward without any warning or hesitation.

Felix, Seungmin, and Jeongin all started panicking. Jeongin quickly pulled away from the older before he reached his end of the stick yet Felix and Seungmin wouldn't stop yelling. Jisung on the other hand was confused, he just thought that was the way of eating pocky.

"What? What's wrong?" Jisung asked, obviously not knowing why everyone was panicking. It was then where they just assumed that either Jisung was either really dumb or really innocent. But in the end they all just brushed it off since Jisung clearly didn't understand, and continued on with their night.

𝘍𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘪𝘨𝘯𝘦𝘳 ~ 𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘭𝘪𝘹Where stories live. Discover now