14 - Jealousy

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"Felix, what's wrong? You keep zoning out." Jisung asked as he patted the younger's back. They were now in the bathroom, Felix washed his face with water, trying to snap back to reality.

He then looked up to Jisung who looked back at him worriedly while he turned off the sink. He then places his hands on the older's shoulders, pouting.

"Jisung...I think I like someone." Jisung raised his eyebrows in shock. It's been a while since he heard that from Felix.

Felix has only ever been in three relationships his whole life then never got into another one 2 years ago. Maybe because he was busy, maybe because he didn't want to, but whatever the reason, Jisung was happy that he finally found someone.

"So, who is it?" He asked, and at this, Felix shook his head and removed his head before splashing water on himself again, which earned a head tilt from Jisung. He took in a deep breath before facing Jisung.

"I think..." He started, Jisung started fanning his hand towards his direction as his way of telling Felix to go on. The younger didn't know why he was hesitating when Jisung is his best friend, but he eventually just spit it out. "I have feelings for Channie-hyung."

He finally said it, and now, he was blushing while staring at the ground. Jisung on the other hand just nodded with a smile.

"I knew one of you would end up crushing on each other." He said with a laugh, Felix hit him slightly while pouting, and the younger just wiped his tears from laughter before smiling at the younger sweetly.

"Felix, fighting!" He said, Felix smiles back at him before the two finally came out the bathroom and headed to class since they were now late.

Felix and Jisung both caught Yuri talking to Chan as they walked out the cafeteria, she had her arm wrapped around his and was staring at him as if he was her world.

Jisung immediately turned Felix away, not wanting the younger to see. Then he pushed Felix onto class, which caught the attention of both Yuri and Chan. Chan just shook his head and removed his arm from Yuri's grip, then walked off to go to his classes, leaving her behind.


School had just ended and Felix was now outside the school, sitting down in grass while eating a granola bar.

He always felt at ease when he sat in grass under the sun, but also windy weather. He felt at peace as he took another bite of the granola bar before he felt a presence.

He turned to see Hyunjin laying down next to him with one of his arms under his head as he also bit into a granola bar. He looked up into the sun, making his eyes shine a bright color.

"Are you okay?" He asked before taking another bite. Felix nodded and the two laid down together while staring up at the clouds. They pointed out some clouds, naming their shapes and laughing together.

Felix loved his friends and brother more than anything, they always made him feel better when he really needed it, and the time he was spending with Hyunjin allowed him to take his mind off of Chan.

They were peaceful as they bonded together until they heard a huge sound of thunder, causing them both to jump and sit up quickly, then, it started raining. They sat for a bit before turning to face each other, then bursting out in laughter at each other's shocked facial expressions.

They finally stood up and Hyunjin took off his Jacket to cover both him and Felix from the rain as they ran inside the building, laughing from how soaked they just got until they were met by Chan and Jeongin. Hyunjin slowly removed his jacket before wringing it and smiling at Jeongin, who smiled back at him.

"Felix, I promised Jeongin that I would go on a date with him, so i'll be leaving now." Hyunjin said as he waved goodbye to both Aussies who stood in shock, watching Hyunjin and Jeongin leave with wide eyes until Felix shook his head.

"I wonder when that happened." He said jokingly, earning an soft laugh from Chan. The two then stood in front of each other, but they were avoiding eye contact as they looked around other places. Then Felix ran his fingers through his own hair, as the awkwardness only made the tension between them more intense.



They called each other's name at the same time again, then bursted out in laughter as memories to the time Felix ran away from Chan started coming back to them. As the both let out a sigh from all the laughing they did, they looked at each other with a smile.

Felix could feel himself heating up as both he and Chan made eye contact, still standing in the same area without saying anything. He roamed his eyes down towards Chan's lips, causing him to clear his throat and immediately break eye contact by pointing out to a bubble gum machine.

Chan laughed and walked over to the machine with the younger one who was now staring at the ground to hide his flustered face that was slowly turning pink as he kept glancing over to the taller male.

They reached the bubble gum machine and Chan paid for Felix, then Felix paid for Chan, like they always do.

They chewed on candy and walked around the school, taking a view of everything while chatting in English about random things. That's when Felix then remembered why he wanted to look for Chan yesterday.

"Oh Chan, congrats on getting the highest score." He said, Chan smiled and patted his hair, earning a smile from the younger. They walked around more, laughing and teasing each other.

"What? Are they dating?" Mirae asked as her and Yuri were now watching the two Aussies walk together. Yuri scrunched her eyebrows, wondering why they looked closer than they usually do, and one thing's for sure, she didn't like it.

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