8 - Bubble gum

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Chan and Felix were now sitting together in the kitchen at the table, eating Felix's favorite food for breakfast, rice cakes. The two finally and Chan offered to wash the dishes, yet Felix wouldn't let him.

He decided he would wash them instead as his way of paying Chan back for at least half the things he's done to help Felix since only washing dishes wouldn't just pay up for everything, Chan has helped him a lot.

Chan just agreed to let him wash the dishes, since that's what Felix wanted to do, and was going to sit back down at the table and watch after Felix until he finished, but then the bags from last night suddenly came into his head. l

"Ah, Felix." He said, catching the attention of the younger before he walked over to the bags and bought them to the table that the two were eating at, placing them on top.

"Oh, that's everything that I bought." He said with a little smile, receiving a nod from Chan.

He then went back to washing the dishes while Chan rummaged through the bags to find clothes, snacks, and other things. That's when Felix immediately turned back around as he realized he had bought another skirt...which Chan was now holding.

"This is pretty, is it for your sister?" Chan asked as he observed the skirt. Felix just laughed awkwardly before putting down the towel he was using to wash the dishes, then walking over to Chan.

"A-Actually, it's mine..." He said hesitantly as he looked at the ground. He was blushing on the outside from embarrassment but on the inside he was anxious about Chan's response towards this.

Chan just looked at him and chuckled, then put the skirt back and patted Felix's head.

"How cute." He said, which Felix then smiled to. What was he thinking? Of course Chan wouldn't make fun of him for it, he's far too sweet for that.

"The snacks in there are also for you." Felix said while pointing out to the bag that was full with hella snacks inside such as chips, fruit, candy, jelly, and other things. He had got a lot of a things because he was so excited, so he just decided he would share with Chan despite not knowing that the older would like.

"All of these?" Chan chuckled.

"Oh well, I was gonna share them with you."

Chan smiled. "Alright, we can eat them together later." Felix smiled back and nodded, then went back to go continue washing the dishes.

He was happy that there was somewhere where he felt reassured at, and that was his dorm with Chan. If there's anything he likes about Korea, it's most definitely living together with Chan.


"Hey Felix, i'm gonna go to the store, wanna come?" Chan asked, and without hesitation, Felix jumped from the couch and went to the doorway to put on his shoes, leaving behind the popcorn he was eating, but then stopped midway.

"Wait here, i'll go get something." Chan nodded and the boy ran upstairs to his room. Minutes later he came down wearing a light blue skirt and a pink long sleeve shirt with white stockings.

He looked like cotton candy, and his fluffy blonde hair really added onto the look. Meanwhile Chan was wearing a black hoodie and black ripped jeans along with a bunch of chains. They were wearing completely different outfits, and that's what made them look so cool.

Chan smiled, receiving a smile back from the younger. Then, the two walked out to the elevator, then made it at the lobby.

As they walked through towards the door, they received stares from almost everyone in there. Some looking at them with awe, some with envy. Basically just the same looks they always get, which they just walked through as they were completely use to it.


They finally made it to the store and Felix took a deep breathe before running to a bubble gum machine and pointing towards it while looking at Chan, signaling that he wanted some. Chan chuckled and walked over to insert a coin, giving Felix a ball of bubble gum.

"Be careful, don't hurt your teeth." He said. Usually, the bubble gum from bubble gum machines are in balls and when you first bite into them, they're hard. But Felix likes hard candy, he just nodded and slowly bit down onto it.

"Now, will you buy me candy?" Chan asked with a smirk, catching Felix off guard as he didn't realize he just walked himself into a pay for pay situation.

He just rolled his eyes and pulled out some cents, receiving a chuckle from Chan who pointed towards an m&m machine. Felix walked to the machine and stuck the coin in the machine, or at least he tried, he couldn't get it in.

Chan just laughed as the younger huffed in frustration, trying to enter the coin. First a key, now a coin, seriously. Slots and locks must really have something against Felix. He finally gave up and handed the coin to Chan, who gladly took the coin and entered it with ease, finally getting the m&ms.

"Thank you Felix~" He said in a teasing tone.

"Whatever." Felix huffed, making the older laugh once more as the two chewed onto their candy and walked around from store to store to buy things.

Felix finally felt like he was having a good time in Korea without any mixed feelings being involved. He really did enjoy being with Chan.

And after that, he continued going to classes every day, not missing a day, skipping, or coming late.

He always greeted the students, staff, and teachers. He always wore whatever he wanted, not caring about any negativity. And to get himself through hard times, he just thought about being at his dorm with his hyung, Chan.

Soon, everyone started taking more of a liking to him. He wasn't really popular, but he was really friendly with everyone, most people at least. He finally started feeling like he was having a good time in Korea.

And just like that, he got trough the next 3 weeks of school and living in Korea without stressing. That is, until it came towards testing time.

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