28 - Taking Off The Blindfold

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"You're dating Chan? I know that. I'm not dumb, Felix."

Felix looked at the female across him with wide eyes. How is it that she could've known, when he and Chan only ever showed affection to each other at their dorm. Plus, Yuri has only been there once where Felix didn't even consider having feelings for Chan.

It just didn't add up to him. As he stared at her in shock, he couldn't help but overthink the situation. But maybe he wasn't just overthinking. Then it hit him.

"Yuri. You've been stalking me." At this, she just smirked, and it was then where Felix realized he wasn't just overthinking.

"Felix, you're so naive." She said as she rested her arms on the table, moving up closer to face him.

"I've done way more than that." Felix couldn't believe what he was hearing. He had felt guilty for dating Chan after Yuri admitted to liking him, just to see that this is what he had been blaming himself for.

"I wrote to you those hate letters. I purposely spilled coffee on you. I already knew that you and Do-Young weren't on good terms. I did all of that, and you couldn't even see it." She claimed along with a small chuckle at the boy's reaction.

He felt sadness building up inside of him as he recalled every last difficult time he had because of a girl, that he thought was his best friend.

"All because I was jealous of you, Felix." She said before taking another sip of her coffee. Felix was at a lost of words. All he could do in that moment was clench his fist and stare at the ground, until that sadness soon turned into frustration.

"𝘐'𝘷𝘦 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘥𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘸𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘨." He thought to himself, wondering why he always encountered people like this. Do-Young, Yuri, Jaehyun. All of them are terrible people, who've tortured him when he's done nothing wrong.

He stood up from his seat, feeling the rage inside of him taking over, but still keeping himself together. He went over to another table and picked up a cup of water from there, then this time, he didn't hesitate not one bit to splash it over Yuri. This caught the attention of everyone in the cafe, and Yuri stared up at him with wide eyes.

"Maybe that'll wash the bitch out of you." He said before throwing the empty cup on the ground and slamming his hands on the table Yuri sat at, to confront her face-to-face.

"Yuri, I felt guilty about dating Chan. But now I know what kind of person you truly are." Just like he confronted Do-Young, he spoke out whatever came to his mind.

"I was in the wrong for dating my friend's crush. However, maybe you deserve it. If you can do all this to me without caring at all, then you're a bad person who doesn't deserve someone like Chan." He then grabbed his bag and lifted it up over his shoulder, before sparing the soaked girl one last glance.

"I'm going to be doing modeling soon, so don't you try getting in my way, Chan's way, or any of my friend's way." And with that, he walked out of the cafe. As soon as the door shut, a waiter came over to Yuri with paper towels to help her out.

Once Felix stepped out of the view of the cafe windows, he smiled to himself and started doing a really weird and dorky dance, feeling proud of what he just did.

"I feel like such a baddie." He said to himself before doing a small hair flip and placing his hand on his hip.

"What are you doing? You dork." He heard a voice say from behind. He tuned around to see Chan leaning over him with a smile. He gasped out of excitement and jumped into the arms of Chan, hugging him tightly to receive a laugh from him.

"What are you doing here?" Felix asked before giving Chan a little peck on his lips. Chan then smiled.

"I wanted to grab some food for you, but turns out you're already here." He replied, and Felix smiled at this. He loved how Chan is always thinking of him, no matter what he's doing. It's moments like these where Felix just wants to stop time and stay there forever. He hugged Chan tightly once more, then the two parted and held hands to head back to the school together.

<1 Month Later>

"Felix! It's Lee Felix!"

The crowd that surrounded Felix's vehicle all shouted excitedly. The male waved towards them, then he headed inside a Lamborghini. It's been a month since Felix became a model and he was already so popular and wealthy, as his net worth is currently one million dollars. Guess that's just how much of a good model he is.

He headed to the backseat where all his friends, Seungmin, Jeongin, Jisung, Hyunjin, Changbin, along with his boyfriend and brother were seated. The maknaes along with Changbin were all excitedly pressing buttons to see what they worked for, but of course they were still being careful.

Changbin clicked a button that opened a slot for a bunch of candy and the four all quickly grabbed some as if they were little kids, making Felix and the rest laugh.

"This is so fun!" Jeongin said with a smile brighter than any other. Throughout all the situations Felix had been going through, none of Jeongin or the rest seemed to be this happy, so he was glad to see them all smiling and enjoying themselves.

"Hey Lix, can I open the window?" Minho asked, and Felix nodded without hesitation.

"Don't ask, do whatever you want." Felix said to them all, and they all smiled of excitement. Minho stood up and opened the window on the roof of the Lamborghini, then flopped back down to get a feel of the calming breeze.

Then Jeongin, Seungmin, and Jisung stuck their heads out of the car's window, causing the air to be blocked.

"Guys sit back down!" He complained, and everyone else all laughed. For the rest of the ride, they all enjoyed snacks, music, and laughed together.

Felix never felt more relieved in his life, he loved being with all his friends in a nice ride like this. It was truly a memorable moment as it was enjoyable.

𝘍𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘪𝘨𝘯𝘦𝘳 ~ 𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘭𝘪𝘹Where stories live. Discover now