10 - Midterms

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"Agh..!" Felix groaned. He, Seungmin, Jeongin, and Jisung were all in the study room studying for an upcoming test that would determine their classes for the next semester.

If you got a good score, you'd go to higher classes, and a bad score would mean lower classes, or maybe even taking the same classes over and Felix was working really hard, but of course, it was stressful.

"You don't have to work so hard Felix." Seungmin said as he gave the other a pat on the back.

There was only these four friends in the study room since everyone else was either outside or in the cafeteria, and there was no teacher which made it more peaceful for them, but Felix was still struggling.

"You'll do good, don't worry." Jeongin encouraged him.

But of course in order to get a good score, you'd have to work pretty hard. Most of what they study will be on the test, so seeing how difficult it was, the test will be even harder. But maybe it really wasn't hard, and the only reason Felix is having a hard time is because he's so determined.

Just like with dancing, because Felix was so determined to dancing, he got frustrated easily when coming across an hard move, which made it more difficult but when he didn't mind dancing at a young age, he had no difficulty coming across a hard step.

Seems like he works more easier when he really doesn't care, which is quite the opposite of "you can do anything you put your mind to."

Felix just shook his head and placed his pen down to crack his knuckles and take a break. So far, he had only solved 18 out of 30 problems and testing was 2 days away. He had 48 hours to improve.

Then, the door opened and Hyunjin, Chan, Minho and another boy had walked into the room, all catching the attention of the boys. They stood idle for a second, making it awkward until Hyunjin wondered his eyes over to see Felix.

"FELIX!" He shouted as he ran towards the younger boy who shouted his name back and ran to him as well. The two locked each other in a tight hug.

Recently, they haven't been able to talk as much since Hyunjin has been busy, and now they were finally seeing each other. That's when Jisung's dramatic ass decided to step in.

"Yah! Who do you think you are trying to take away my best friend!" He said walking towards Hyunjin and pointing a pencil at him for extra measure. Minho then went over to the boy and hugged him to calm him down.

"Baby it's okay, he's my best friend." Minho said with a laugh. Jisung just rolled his eyes and hugged Minho back. Hyunjin was lucky that Minho was there.

Hyunjin then went to go sit down as Felix just giggled from his friend's foolishness, then ended up meeting eyes with Chan who was walking towards a seat. Chan smiled at him as he passed by, the younger one smiled back and waved to him, then went to go sit down as well.

"Alright, now that we're all seated, I think we should introduce ourselves to each other." Jisung said as he stood up from his seat. He walked to the front then proceeded to call out names, whoever's name he called would raise their hand so that everyone could catch their name.

After introducing everyone, he sat back down and they all started talking about themselves and things they like to get to know each other before going back to studying.


"Ahh, finally done." Felix said as he stretched. It was now 5:27pm, and almost everyone had left.

The only people left in the room were Chan, Felix, Seungmin, and Jeongin. That is, until Jeongin and Seungmin finally got up to leave, they waved goodbye to the Aussies before grabbing their things and heading out the door.

Felix closed his books, then gathered all his material and put them in his backpack before zipping it and scrolling through his phone. Chan noticed that Felix had packed everything, but he was still sitting there for some reason, not that he was complaining, he just wondered why.

"What are you doing?" He asked as he looked up from the sheet of paper filled with math questions.

"What do you mean? I'm waiting for you to finish." Felix replied as he also looked up from his phone to make eye contact with the blonde male.

Chan smiled, but it wasn't just any smile, it was the smile he did whenever he teased Felix, and because they've been around each other for so long, Felix had caught onto this.

"Look at you looking after your hyung~" Chan said with a laugh. Felix rolled his eyes and pulled out a pen and hit it on Chan's head.

"Hurry up before I change my mind." Felix said, making Chan let out a chuckle. Felix just huffed, and although he showed signs of annoyance on the outside, he was really happy on the inside to have Chan with him. He thought he would have a hard time because of Chan, but instead, Chan made him feel better.

Chan finally finished up his work, packing all his things and standing up with the younger to head out the door. The two walked towards the cafeteria to get a snack, and again, they did the pay for pay process that they always do.

Ever since they went to the mall together that day, they started paying for each other's food instead of one paying for all of it or paying for their own food. Felix liked this way of paying better than taking turns because it's almost like eating a meal that someone else bought for him.

The two sat down at a random table after buying the snacks. Chan got a bottle of flavored water and a bag of goldfish chips that had the taste of seaweed while Felix got a bag of candy and flavored water as well.

The two were laughing and talking together while eating, it was quite fun and peaceful.

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