17 - Felix

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"Does it hurt a lot?" Jisung asked Felix as he wiped the younger boy's knee with a cold tissue, then wrapped it with a bandage. Felix nodded while holding back tears, Seungmin, Jeongin, and Jisung were all with him in the office while Chan, Hyunjin, Minho, and Changbin were waiting for them outside.

Seungmin and Jisung were helping take care of Felix's sound, but Jeongin on the other hand couldn't stop thinking of how Yuri purposely did it. He didn't know why she did it, but he just crossed his arms and huffed. She didn't even show up to help Felix.

Seungmin took notice of the younger's current mood, but decided to not question it as he knew just from Jeongin's facial expression that he was deep in thought, but also confused and upset.

The boys finally finished wrapping Felix with bandages and helped him stand up. Felix was now wearing an oversized t-shirt with blue jeans, he was upset about his outfit getting ruined but he was at least glad he had friends to help him.

They all walked out the room and the others immediately ran towards Felix, asking if he was ok now and if he wanted anything to eat or drink.

Felix just giggled a bit and waved his hands in front of him, signaling that he was just fine. They all sighed of relief and Minho's dramatic ass acted like he was going to pass out, he's been around Hyunjin too much.

They all just laughed, except Jeongin who was still staring at the ground. Their laughs were then cut off the moment they saw Yuri walked towards them with some candy in her hand.

She walked over to Felix and the rest started to avoid her, not wanting to see her face. Again, except Jeongin. He glared at her with eyes that could kill a man, making her feel a bit uneasy as she handed the candy to Felix.

"Felix are you okay?" She asked, he gladly accepted the candy, but as he was going to speak he was cut off by Jeongin who put his hand in front of the boy as if he was blocking Yuri from getting close.

"He's fine." He said with a cold voice and a glare towards the girl. She just nodded her head and awkwardly laughed before walking off.

When everyone noticed Jeongin's attitude, they all started wondering what it was about, he seemed far more angry than they did. Jeongin just sighed and headed to his dorm, Seungmin following after him.

"I'm gonna go too now, get better Felix." Hyunjin said before running off to his dorms, Changbin as well. Felix waved at the two with a smile before Minho and Jisung also headed off to their rooms.

So now it was just Chan and Felix, and as soon as Felix realized this, his heart started pounding. But his heart wasn't the only one about to jump out of his chest, Chan also looked like he was blushing a bit as the two avoided eye contact with each other.

"Should we head to the dorms now?" Chan said, still avoiding eye contact with the younger. Felix nodded and they then walked out of the school building to head to the dorms building.

Usually they would talk to each other about anything while walking to the dorms, but this time they weren't saying a thing at all, making the awkward tension increase and their hearts to beat even faster.

They made it at the dorms, and Chan allowed Felix to enter first. They got their keys from the front desk and entered the elevator, that's when the awkwardness and tension increased even more.

They stood far apart from each other, and again, they didn't talk the whole time. They reached floor 5 and walked over to their dorm, then Chan entered the key and they finally entered the room.

Felix took off his shoes before running to flop down on the couch, earning a chuckle from Chan. And as soon as they entered the dorm, they started talking again.

They sat on the couch together and Chan made popcorn, rice cakes, and bought his own snacks since he didn't want to eat the candy Yuri gave, which Felix just rolled his eyes to.

They enjoyed the food together while watching a movie, one that Felix has wanted to watch for so long while Felix's clothes were in the washing machine, being cleaned from the coffee stains.


"Jeongin what's wrong? You seem so upset." Seungmin asked as he brung a cup of tea over to Jeongin who had his arms crossed as he sat on the couch, deep in thought. Seungmin sat next to him and handed him the tea, and he finally snapped out of his thoughts before speaking to answer the older's question.

"Do you think she did it on purpose?" Seungmin titled his head at the question. He didn't see the way Yuri smirked and moved her finger, so he thought it was just an accident. Besides, Seungmin saw Yuri and Felix as best friends, he didn't understand why Jeongin thought she did it purposely.

"Ah...nevermind." Jeongin said, then he took a sip before putting the cup down on the table and trying to change the topic to something else.

Seungmin just smiled and the two chatted about anything. However, Jeongin wasn't going to just forget about the situation or what he saw.


Felix walked to his locker after dance classes, and he was exhausted. When he walked in class, everyone kept asking if he was ok, and the teacher made sure he got constant breaks, but even though he had many breaks, he was still tired.

Today, he was wearing another skirt, and he was just hoping that he didn't get this outfit dirty again.

He opened his locker to put his things away and gather his supply for chemistry but instead, he was met by another letter.

He opened it and it was the same handwriting with the same kind of negativity from the letter he got yesterday. But this time it read "I hope the coffee hurt like hell." he just rolled his eyes and ignored the note as he got his chemistry supplies.

But deep down inside, he felt like he really shouldn't be ignoring these notes, if they were from the same person who just wants harm happening to him, they might try doing something to him themselves.

He just decided to get it off his mind for now as he didn't feel like being bothered.

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