22 - Kiss

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Felix ran out of the bar as tears running down his cheeks along with the pouring rain blocked his view. He felt weak, he tried so hard not to cry and ended up doing so anyway. He then stopped his running after hearing Chan call his name.

He turned around to see Chan walking towards him with an umbrella. He caught up to the boy who was crying and put the umbrella above them both. Felix looked up at the taller one and hugged him, sobbing as he laid his head on Chan's chest.

Chan grabbed Felix's hand and pulled him to sit down on a pair of stairs that lead to the inside of a coffee shop.

Felix cried and cried as they sat down together in the rain, holding each other tightly. Chan moved his free hand to pat Felix's hair, and hugged him tighter, letting the younger let out all his emotions on the male.

After a while, Felix stopped crying and wiped his eyes, then looked up to Chan, who was still holding the umbrella upon them. He then smiled at Chan.

"Thank you Channie." He said, he sounded much better now. Chan nodded with a smile, and again, the two locked eyes. They were outside and it was dark. But the lights from cars, traffic lights, and buildings were there, making it a beautiful street as the rain poured down over the two.

They got lost in each other's eyes, and Felix didn't know what overcame him, but he felt tired of bottling his emotions.

He leaned in to Chan, who's eyes widened. Felix pressed his lips against Chan's, then as he slowly backed away from the small kiss, he covered his mouth once he realized what he just did. Then he looked back up at Chan who was blushing like crazy now.

He panicked and started to apologize.
"C-Chan i'm sorry, I-I don't know wha-" But before he could finish, he was cut off by the soft lips of Chan's being smashed against his.

He was shocked at first, but slowly closed his eyes as he kissed back. The kiss was passionate, and though it was full of bottled emotions, it wasn't lustful at all.

That is, until Chan held onto Felix's waist and pinned him down on the ground, catching Felix off guard. He slipped his tongue in the younger's mouth, and the younger held his breath to prevent a moan escaping his mouth. The kiss was then lustful and hungry, but they didn't go any further than that.

They pulled away for a breath, before they both looked away from each other, blushing more than they ever have.

Chan immediately got off top of Felix as they heard the door to the bar being opened. They both stood and brushed off their clothes, clearing their throats but still avoiding looking at each other.

Jisung, Seungmin, Jeongin, Hyunjin, Minho, and Changbin then came out and rushed over to Felix to make sure he was ok, except Hyunjin and Jeongin.

Hyunjin was drunk so Jeongin had to look after him, he had far too many shots. Felix reassured to them all that he was alright before waving goodbye to Jeongin who sat Hyunjin in the car, then drove off.

And not long after, the rest left as well. Chan and Felix were now once again standing in the rain, waving goodbye to everyone before Chan spoke.

"Should we go to our dorm now?" He asked and Felix nodded, but the two still wouldn't look at each other. They were happy that they got to share that moment considering that they both are simps for each other on the low, but the atmosphere between them was more tense.


The Aussies arrived at the dorm and took off their shoes at the doorway. Then just as Felix was about to head to the bathroom he was called by Chan. He slowly turned around to see the male staring at him straight in the eye this time, which made him nervous.

"Are you really alright?" He asked, and Felix knew he was referring to that jerk Do-Young. Felix nodded and headed up to the stairs for a long shower.

Even though he was really upset, he was already over it. However, neither Chan, Jeongin, or Seungmin were over it. They knew the truth about Yuri now and kept thinking of it.

After a while, Felix finally came down the stairs from his shower, and he was wearing another skirt with an over-sized T shirt.

He looked so tiny with his fluffy purple hair that bounced up and down, and this small, but adorable smile on his face while he ran to the kitchen for some watermelon. Chan couldn't help but laugh softly at the younger.

Felix bought watermelon over to the older male, and they weren't avoiding each other's faces anymore. It's as if they forgot about the kiss, or as if the dorm is where awkwardness was erased. But they most definitely didn't forget about the kiss, you could say it now lives in their heads rent free.

But they were distracted from that anyway as they cuddled together on the couch again while eating watermelon and watching stand up comedy.

"Boooo! Han is funnier." Felix pouted before throwing a seed at the TV from the awkward and dumb pun he just heard. Chan chuckled and grabbed Felix's hand gently to stop him from throwing seeds. They watched TV a bit more before Chan turned it off.

"What why did you do that?" Felix pouted. Chan just threw the remote over on the ground before grabbing Felix by the waist and bringing him down on the couch gently to lay down.

"Let's go to sleep now." Chan said as he wrapped his arms around Felix, who couldn't stop screaming in his head and blushing. He turned around to face Chan back and hug him, but then froze as his eyes landed on Chan's lips once again, then he remembered the kiss.

He remembered the soft feeling of Chan's lips against his, and the butterflies he got when Chan pinned him down, french kissing him. He shook his head as his mind was starting to wonder off to dirty places then looked at Chan once again. He's so pretty.

"Channie? Are you asleep?" He asked in a soft voice, and Chan slowly opened his eyes to make eye contact with the younger as they held each other tightly.

Felix then started wondering what his relationship with Chan even was. They did things together that couples do, and they've even kissed. For them to call each other "friends" would be like a really beautiful girl calling herself "ugly." So he decided to ask, forgetting all about Yuri.

"Channie, what do you think of me?" He asked, and Chan smiled. He expected Chan to blush and look away, but this time he just held Felix closer as if he was waiting for Felix to ask him this question.

"I like you." He said, but then he shook his head before looking deeply into Felix's eyes.
"No, I love you." Chan corrected himself, and Felix hid his face in Chan's chest now that he was literally a tomato, making Chan laugh.

"I...I love you too." Felix said, and at this, Chan smiled and lifted up Felix's face so that they were now looking at each other again. Then, Chan went in for a kiss, and Felix kissed him without thinking twice. Chan pulled away and smiled at Felix, who smiled at him back.

"Then, let's date each other." The older suggested, and Felix nodded as his heart was now doing flips of happiness.

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