Boyfriend Scenarios: You Get Attacked (Lucifer)

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Art By: @tsang_fei on Twitter

A/N: I hope this is to your liking, this is the second part of the cheating series. In this chapter, (y/n) gets attacked by a demon and is on the verge of death. I don't think the story has a lot of gore in it but I will still add a warning. Let me know what you think of this chapter! Stay safe out there, I love you all!

Warning: Story may contain a description that may be too much for some readers, mentions of blood in this story, if you aren't comfortable with this type of thing don't read the story.

(Y/n)'s POV

After I left the venue, I felt alone; I felt betrayed. None of the brothers believed that Lucifer had cheated on me after Belphie told them over our group chat. Satan and Belphie had stayed with me the rest of that night, and since then, Levi, Mammon, Asmo, and Beel had all attempted to talk to me again, but I ignored them. I didn't feel like I could fully trust them again yet; it will definitely take a while for me to talk to them. As for Lord Diavolo, we haven't actually spoken since his birthday night, and it's been a month since then. I was currently on my way to a student council meeting with Belphie and Satan by my side.

"(Y/n), Satan and I have some important business to attend to after the meeting. Do you think you'll be okay to walk with the rest of our brothers?" Belphie asked and turned to look at me for a response; I just shook my head,

"I don't feel comfortable with them; I'll walk home on my own. I'm not all that scared to do so; I'll be fine." I smiled at them, and Satan looked reluctant,

"Or you could wait for us in the meeting room?" I shook my head and responded,

"No, I have a lot of homework to do. I wasn't even going to show up for this meeting, but Belphie told me that I would have to go or I'll be kicked out of the Devildom, and I want to finish the exchange program at least before I go." I smiled at both of them and opened the door that led to the meeting room, and we all walked in, ready for two hours of boring debating.

Time Skip to after meeting.

The meeting was finally over, and everyone had left to do their own thing; Belphie and Satan were the last to leave, telling me to text them when I got home. I nodded and waited for them to leave before I started walking home. I got my bag and put it on before grabbing my D.D.D. and walking out of the student council meeting room.

I began my short walk back home and noticed that not many people were out right now, which scared me a bit, but I just continued to walk. I felt chills like someone with bad intentions was watching me. I stopped walking and looked around to see if I saw anyone; once I turned to look behind me, I saw a tall demon looking at me. He had a devious smile and dark black eyes with matching black hair. I felt frozen in place; looking into his eyes made me feel like my life was in danger. He approached me and said,

"Why is a pretty little thing like you walking alone this late in the night?" I looked up at him and gulped; I felt my body shake slightly from the sudden drop in temperature.

"I'm g-going home." I wanted to run away but, I couldn't move from the spot I was standing in; he reached out and grabbed my chin,

"Oh, I suppose that they'll be looking for you, huh?" He smiled sadistically and brushed his thumb across my face, and I started crying while he did that.

"Don't cry, your soul looks so tasty, why don't you give it to me? It's not like those brothers care about you anyway, especially not Lucifer. He used you to get Lord Diavolo jealous; you were nothing but a pawn to him. I'm sure all the brothers feel the same too!" He now had both his hands cupping my face, I felt my heartbeat increasing to a quicker pace every second this demon was touching me, but I responded,

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