Boyfriend Scenarios: You Get Attacked (Asmo)

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Art By: @tsang_fei on Twitter

(Y/n)'s POV

After Asmo told me that he had been cheating on me with Heather, I just couldn't believe it. At the same time, I felt like it was 100% believable because, well, Asmo is the avatar of lust. It just felt like Asmo actually loved me and only me, and he even promised to only have eyes for me and me alone. It made the blow hurt even more; I didn't want to be there anymore. I left the venue after Lord Diavolo helped keep Asmo away from me. I knew he meant to go back to the venue's ballroom, but I just wanted to be isolated and away from everyone. I took out my D.D.D. and opened the House of Lamentation group chat.

(Y/n): I don't feel good. I'm going to head home.

Mammon: What do ya mean? Like you feel sick?

Mammon: I'll walk ya home. Please wait for me at the door!

(Y/n): I already left; I'll let you guys know when I'm home.

Mammon: Stop where ya are! I'll catch up to you and walk you home; it's dangerous out there right now.

Lucifer: Yes, (y/n), wait for Mammon to catch up to you and allow him to escort you home safely.

I felt a bit happy to see that Mammon and Lucifer cared about my well-being but then remembered that I am an exchange student, which was probably why they cared about my safety. I felt more tears escape my (e/c) eyes and continued to walk after I had stopped to wait for Mammon to walk me home. Was this a mistake? Perhaps, but I didn't want their pity and fake affection. I continued walking with the D.D.D. in my hand and waited for any new messages.

Levi: But, why don't you feel good? What's wrong, (Y/n)-Chan?

(Y/n): Asmo told me that he cheated on me with Heather. I just, I just don't really feel like being around anyone right now.

Beel: I'm sorry (y/n). How about we have an ice cream movie night?

Beel: I know you want to be alone, but it's better to surround yourself with people who love you and care about you.

I smiled at my D.D.D. and was about to respond to Beel and let him know that I would love and appreciate a movie and ice cream night. But I heard a familiar voice call out to me from behind me. I turned around to see Evan, Lord Diavolo's cousin. I did my best to smile up at him, and as he drew closer, I felt chills, remembering that Asmo had thought that Evan was about to kill me in front of everyone at the party. I decided to brush the feeling and memory aside and trust that Evan is here to check up on me.

"(Y/n), why did you leave the party? Everyone is looking for you, well they were when I left, but I saw you exit the venue, so I came to make sure you were alright." Evan walked up to me and placed his hand on my cheek, making me feel comfortable under his touch. I leaned into his hand and closed my eye, and responded,

"Evan, could you walk me home, please." I looked up at him with my sad eyes, and he shook his head and chuckled before he responded,

"Oh, well, I was hoping to take you to my place. Someone as beautiful as you deserves nothing but happiness, and I plan to give you nothing but happiness, but more importantly, I can't wait to pleasure you to the point you feel like you will lose your mind." Evan had leaned down and was about to kiss me on the lips but, it didn't feel right.

"Evan, I don't know. Lord Diavolo seemed to be upset that I was around you." I looked away and heard Evan let out a frustrated sigh, I was about to turn to face him, but he struck me before I could explain that I wouldn't mind taking the relationship at a slower pace.

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