Boyfriend Scenarios (They Mark You): Solomon

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Art by: @sgrimp_ on twitter

Solomon's POV

I was sitting in my room looking at my spellbook; I had placed a bookmark on a spell I haven't used in so long, I don't remember how it works. I know we each have to prick our fingers and put a drop of our blood on a white rose, but I forgot how it works because it's different if the bond is romantic or friendly. I looked at the name of the spell, Protection From All Harm, and began to skim down the page until I got to the paragraph on what to do for a romantic bond.

"Both parties must consent to the procedure in order for it to take effect. After both parties verbally consent to the spell, both parties must draw blood from the tip of their left ring finger. The person casting the spell must hold a pure white rose and let their blood and the second party's blood drip onto the rose. Only one drop is required, but if you add three drops, each the spell will be stronger. Once the rose has soaked up the blood, place it under a pillow, and both parties must engage in intercourse and reach release, to seal and complete the spell."

My face grew red, I had thought about asking (y/n) if they wanted to have sex, but I always got too scared of them rejecting me. But, now the only way for the spell to work, I have to have sex with them! How am I going to ask them this? I should probably take them out on a date before we do that, but then they'll think I'm only doing all of this for the sex! What do I do? I should call Asmo; he would be my best bet to getting this whole thing planned out. I pulled out my DDD from my pocket and dialed his number.

Asmo: Hello, handsome!

Solomon: Hello, Asmo! Listen, I am in need of your assistance, it's about (y/n)!

Asmo: Oh? What is it?

Solomon: I want to ask her if I can cast a protection spell on her, but, in order for it to work, I have to have sex with them, and, well, I'm too flustered to ask them. Also, should I take them out on a date before? I don't want to look like an ass that is only interested in sex when I'm not!

Asmo: Yes, maybe take them on a romantic date before the spell is enacted. On that date, ask them if they would let you do the spell, but tell them what they would be signing up for if they agree. The worst thing that (y/n) can do is say no! You'll be okay!

Solomon: O-okay! I'll do that! By the way, do you know where I can have access to a pure white rose?

Asmo: You'll probably have to ask Barbatos for that, he had the quickest and easiest access to human world things.

Solomon: Okay, thank you! I have to call Barbatos now. I'll call you later!

Asmo: Okay! Bye!

I hung up and was pondering where to take (y/n) on this date! I could ask Simeon; he likes to walk around the Devildom after classes. I closed my spellbook and walked out to the kitchen. Luke and Simeon were there; Luke was happily cooking breakfast as Simeon watched Luke with an endearing smile on his face. Simeon loves Luke to pieces, and he always says that he sees himself in Luke. He was just like him when he was younger, hating demons and wanting nothing to do with them. But, now, he accepts demons and doesn't loathe them as much as he used to, and he feels like he has to guide Luke to become more accepting, like him. Simeon and Luke both looked at me and smiled brightly.

"Good Morning, Solomon!" Luke was the first one to exclaim happily to me before Simeon also happily exclaimed.

"Good Morning, Solomon! Luke is making Omelets today! Do you want one?" Simeon was signaling for me to sit next to him. I moved over there and nodded my head.

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