Boyfriend Scenarios: You Get Attacked (Barbatos)

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Art By: @Wynnie9963 on Twitter

(Y/n)'s POV

I was standing against the wall in the venue's storage room; I felt terrified. Barbatos had just accused me of having an affair with Mammon and several other lower-level demons. He was about to hit me, but Lord Diavolo stopped him from doing so, but they both looked at me with such cold stares. That was when Lucifer and his brothers came in and looked at the scene, confused as to why they felt such malice towards me. 

After Lord Diavolo and Barbatos explained what had happened and how Skyler was the one to say these things, I could tell who was against me and who was on my side. Lucifer, Satan, and Asmo all looked at me with malice-laced eyes, and Levi, Mammon, Beel, and Belphie all seemed to look at me with sympathy in their eyes. Before I could even try to get a word of protest in, Lucifer spoke, directing his full enraged look at me,

"Don't worry, My Lord, I will make sure that (y/n) is immediately taken back home. She is a disgrace and shouldn't be allowed to stay in the Devildom." To which Belphie angrily looked at Lucifer, Lord Diavolo, and Barbatos and responded,

"You actually believe this fucking lie, Lucifer? Skylar is a liar and a slut! She probably told that to Barbatos and Lord Diavolo to have them turn against (y/n)! And it obviously worked!" Satan then shook his head in annoyance and responded,

"I know Skylar can sometimes get annoying but, she is my girlfriend now, and I feel like she wouldn't do that! She has no reason to do that." Barbatos looked at Satan with a shocked expression, but before he could question Satan's relationship with Skyler, and Levi sounded distressed as he responded,

"Please! Skylar tried to destroy my friendship with (y/n), and she constantly tells Mammon and me to kill ourselves! How could you date someone that is that toxic, Satan? And don't act like you didn't know! I know you were in the library with (y/n) and me when I was venting! And you wonder why no one gets along with you?" Everyone in the room looked shocked and turned to look at Mammon, and he just quietly nodded, tears forming in the corners of his eyes, before turning to leave the room and was followed by Levi, who was scared that Mammon would do something to hurt himself again.

Everyone that remained in the room turned to face me; I felt the cold stare of Satan and Asmo, who still believed the lie that Skyler had told, and the sad look that Beel and Belphie held towards me. But, the most bothersome stares were Lord Diavolo and Lucifer's stares; they felt threatening; I felt like my life was in immediate danger being in the same room as them. Barbatos finally turned to look at me; he seemed to look like he regretted having said anything and was about to speak and make his way towards me but, Lucifer sighed angrily and began making his way towards me.

I felt every hair in my body stand up, I felt goosebumps all over my skin, and my feet moved on their own as I made a run for it out of that room and out of the venue. I was going to run towards the House of Lamentation; I would be safe there for a while, even if for a few hours. I tried to reach for my phone but noticed I either dropped it in the venue or the street behind me. It's too late to look for it now; I have to keep moving and hope to make it home safe.

As I thought that, I accidentally bumped into a group of mid-level demons. They all looked down at me, and I immediately began to apologize, letting them know it was an accident and that I was trying to get home. They all looked at each other and nodded before grabbing me and placing something over my eyes to blindfold me. They then dragged me away from where we originally were; the entire time we were moving, I apologized and begged them to let me go and say that it was a mistake to bump into them.

We finally stopped moving, and my blindfold was removed, revealing that we were in a random alleyway. I finally finished looking at my surroundings and looked up at them to see them all materialize weapons using magic and felt my blood go cold, and my body felt heavy. I tried to plead with them again but, no sound came out of my mouth, and I felt myself getting dizzy until my world went black, and I was left at their mercy.

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