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Hello everyone! I hope everyone is going well! I wanted to inform everyone that my classes have all started for this semester and I am going to be super busy with that again! That being said, I will still be updating and stuff, but it'll be way more spaced out than when I am free! I am currently waiting for my last class of the day to start lol, it starts at 7 pm! Please feel free to leave any requests for more scenarios in the comments! Currently, these are the chapters that I have planned out:

1: You Get Attacked (Working on it)

2: Him Without You

3: Whether or Not You Miss Him

4: He Apologizes

5: You Take Him Back (or you don't, I'll give you both options like I did the last time!) 

6: They Get Jealous of Luke

7: Finding Out You're Pregnant (I will create another chapter asking whether or not y'all want this to be a dream or like a permanent thing, so look forward to that and think about which you would prefer.)

8: Adopting a Pet with Them

I hope you like the chapters that are planned out for now and remember, I love taking requests for scenarios! Don't be shy to comment, and if you don't want to comment for any reason, feel free to send me a private message! I'll answer through there! Have a nice day/night! Stay safe!

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