Do You Know How Much You Mean to Me? (Beel x Reader)

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Quick A/N: I tried to write this chapter to make the reader gender-neutral, it is my first time writing like this. Please let me know if it sounds okay and as always, I hope you enjoy this fic!

You had been in the Devildom for nearly eight months now and found yourself happier here than you were back home. The demon brothers always surrounded you, and you usually didn't mind having all this attention on you because you knew that they all genuinely cared about you and treated you as if you were a part of their family. You grew closest to the second youngest brother, Beelzebub. You loved how he was so open about loving his brothers and wanting to keep everyone together and out of fights. You also loved that you had a snack buddy since Beel was always eating something due to having a black hole for a stomach. 

This day was like any day, you and Beel were walking to the kitchen to look for something to snack on. You weren't hungry yet but you felt famished and wanted something small to snack on but Beel was looking for a meal. When you two arrived it was soon obvious that there was no food left and Lucifer had left a note on the fridge that said he went out to go get more food. After having read the note to Beel his stomach let out a loud grumble. 

"I'm hungry, (y/n)!" Beel was frowning and holding his stomach. 

"I know! How about we go to Hell's Kitchen? I'll pay!" You looked at him with a huge smile on your face while already making your way to the front door.

"Hell's Kitchen sounds good right now, let's go (y/n)! But, I'm going to pay for it!" He caught up to you and began walking right next to you.

Beel's POV

I caught up to (y/n) and began walking alongside them, I looked down at them and they were smiling and walking down the street like they were back in the human realm. They really did fit in here with us, I love the fact that they are the only one, aside from Belphie, that doesn't criticize me for always feeling hungry. In fact, I was happy now more than ever because I now had an eating buddy; I never realized that I needed one since I didn't really mind eating by myself. But, when (y/n) got a cold and couldn't really eat, all my meals felt lonely without them there. When we were halfway there I finally decided to break the silence, not that it was awkward or anything, I just wanted to hear their voice.

"(Y/n), what are you gonna get? I'm thinking of ordering a giant mountain of burgers and french fries!" I smiled down at them and they looked at me and giggled.

"I think I'll get one burger and a small order of french fries! This walk is starting to make me work up more of an appetite." I looked at them and saw that they were genuinely happy to come to eat with me and spend their time with me.

"We are here! How about you go look for a table and I'll order all the food for us!" I pointed towards the booths in the restaurant and shook my head towards them to have them go look for a table. Once they left to go look for a booth I ordered our food and waited for the cook to finish making our order. (Y/n)'s food came out first so I went to go take it to them when I turned around to look for which booth they had sat down at I saw a demon talking to her. I moved closer to listen to the conversation and what I heard made my blood boil.

"Come on beautiful! Give me your number, I'll take you out on a date, as long as your willing to do some favors for me afterward." the demon winked at (y/n) and began to lean in closer to them. I caught a glimpse of their expression, they looked uncomfortable and angry that the demon was in their personal space.

"I said no the first time you asked, what makes you think I'll say yes just because you added a date?? Now back off and leave me alone!" (Y/n) now had an angry expression on their face and was standing their ground.

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