I Hate You Less Than the Other Humans (Belphie x Reader)

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A/N: This story has a small section that talks about physical abuse, but it is brief.

After Belphie was finally set free from his imprisonment in the attic, he hadn't left your side. He was making up for the lost time and was attempting to get to know you better since all of his brothers had shown they were fond of you. Belphie still held a grudge against all of humanity for what had happened to his younger sister, Lilith. At first, he had been cold to you, ignoring you whenever you tried to speak to him. You were remembering when he snapped when you wouldn't leave him alone.


"Belphie, do you want to go out and get some sushi?" You asked him with a sweet smile on your face.

"No, human. Not only am I not hungry but I would lose my appetite looking at you!" He retorted back in a nonchalant voice, making you think that he was being sarcastic and joking around with you.

"Oh, Belphie! You're so funny, haha, maybe we can invite Beel too! He likes sushi, right?" You grabbed his hand and began to pull him to leave the room when you felt a strong pull from his arm. He successfully freed himself from your hold and got up and slapped you in the face before raising his voice to say,

"I said NO!  And I don't remember giving you permission to call me Belphie, my name is Belphegor! I don't want to spend ANY time with you! You're just some useless human, I don't know why my brothers all fawn over how great you are! There is nothing amazing about you, you're just a dumb, worthless, weak human!" He was so angry you could almost see a vein bulging in his forehead. You were rubbing your cheek and began crying due to Belphie's harsh words and a sudden burst of violence.

"Well, a-a-at least I-I'm trying to get along with you! I just want us to be friends, but I'm done trying!" 

You stormed out of Beel and Belphie's room leaving Belphie in his room but he wasn't alone. While he napped Beel had gone into the restroom to shower and heard the entire conversation between Belphie and you, including the slap Belphie had given you. He stormed out of the bathroom practically fuming at Belphie. You were still outside the door when you heard Beel start scolding his younger brother.

"Belphie! What was that about? Why would you put your hands on (y/n) again? Why is it that every time (y/n) tries to get close to you you push them away? After all, they did for you, to break you out of the attic, you treat them like they are trash! I want you to know that I am the reason they keep on talking to you because I asked them to keep trying to become close to you. After hearing how you treat her, I am honestly disappointed in you Belphie! I am going to go look for them and take them out to eat Burgers, you, on the other hand, can stay here alone and think about what you've done. I will not force you to apologize to them, but you should apologize to them because you had no right to do what you did! Goodbye!" Beel left the room and found you curled up next to the door crying. He knelt down next to you and picked you up from the floor with ease.

"Come on, (y/n), let's go eat some burgers together at Hell's Kitchen. It's going to be okay, forget about Belphegor." He held you tighter as he made his way out the house and towards Hell's Kitchen for lunch

Belphie's POV

I sat in my room alone after Beel left, I heard him talking to (y/n) outside the door. I took a deep breath in and let it out, I guess I should get up and go with them to eat. If Beel thinks (y/n) and I would be close friends then, I'll give it a try. I got up and began making my way out of the house when I saw that Beel was carrying (y/n), who was still a little teary-eyed. I don't understand why, but I suddenly felt guilty for snapping at them, they were only trying to be nice to me, even after I had attempted to kill them beforehand. I finally caught up to them and called out for them.

"Hey! Beel, (Y/n), wait up! I'm coming too!" I smiled as wide as I could but was met with Beel immediately giving me a frown.

"What are you doing here Belphegor? I thought I told you to stay home!" Beel looked at (y/n), who was hiding their face from me in Beel's shoulder.

"Come on, Beel, I want to talk to you and (y/n) and have lunch with both of you. Please." Beel whispered something into (y/n)'s ear and they nodded in agreement.

"Fine, only because (y/n) agreed to it. But you are going to stay away from them in the restaurant! You'll sit on one side of the booth and (y/n) and I will sit on the other side, understand?" Beel gave me a serious look and I only nodded in agreement to his terms.

Once we arrived at the restaurant  Beel sat (y/n) down in a booth and I sat across from them. I looked at their face and saw that the place where I had hit them was beginning to bruise and that they were looking towards where Beel was standing. They were clearly not comfortable being alone with me but, I had to make an attempt to apologize to them before Beel came back and made the atmosphere tense again. 

"(Y/n), I want to talk to you. Well, I want to apologize for my outburst earlier. I shouldn't have said all those rude things to you, and I definitely shouldn't have hit you. If  you are still interested, I would want to try and give us a chance to get close to each other and become friends." I looked at them with sad eyes and stretched my arm across the table to ask them to take my hand. They were hesitant at first, but they then reached out and lightly grabbed my hand. 

"I honestly would love to! Let's wait for Beel to get back from getting food, I wanna sit next to you Belphegor." They smiled at me brightly and I couldn't help but smile back at them. I could understand now why my brothers all fawned over them, they were sweet and forgiving, almost like Lilith.

End of Flashback


I had been remembering the day Belphie snapped at me and eventually asked me to be friends. I turned to look at Belphie, who was sleeping in my bed. I reached out and began playing with his hair, running my hands through it, it felt so silky and soft. Belphie woke up and saw me looking down at his adorable sleepy face and smiled at me.

"(Y/n), come here, let's cuddle for a bit, I'm still tired." He reached out and cupped my cheek, and I obliged his request and got under the blanket with him. He wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him as I rested my head on his chest.

"Belphie, do you consider me your friend?" I asked while looking up at him to see that he was staring up at the ceiling.

"Well, (Y/n), I hate you less than the other humans." He smiled after saying that and laughed when he saw that I had frowned at his statement.

"I'm joking (y/n). You are my best friend!" He trailed his hand up and down my back making me relax.

"Well Belphie, I love you! You are so adorable...so, would you want to maybe be my boyfriend?" I asked shyly while averting my eyes from his gaze. He grabbed my chin with his right hand and turned my head to look him in his purple eyes.

"(Y/n), are you sure you want me to be your boyfriend? You are aware that it would mean unlimited cuddling and kisses from me, I would never leave your side ever again." He looked at me seriously and I smiled and replied,

"So the way things are now, but, now I get kisses??? It sounds like a great deal to me! Now, come down here and kiss me!" He laughed lightly before he leaned down and kissed me. The kiss felt needy and as if he was craving all the attention I could give him. I hugged him as tight as I could and ran my fingers through his navy blue hair and pressed him harder onto me, deepening the kiss. When we finally separated we were both panting and looking each other in the eye before we both unanimously whispered to each other,

"I love you"

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