My Little Lamb (Simeon x Reader)

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Simeon's POV

I was in my dorm room at Purgatory Hall, thinking about (Y/n). I found myself thinking about her more and more often. I wanted to spend every moment with her, or at least know what she is doing, so I know she's safe. I sighed loudly, disrupting the silence in the room, and turned to look at my door right before someone knocked.

"Come in!" I yelled back and tried to make my self look busy by opening a book I had next to me

"Hey, Simeon! I haven't heard from you all day today, and I got worried about you. Are you doing okay? Luke just smiled at me when I asked how you were doing!" (Y/n) asked with a concerned look on her face before she began to walk up to me.

"I'm sorry, (y/n)! I just thought that I was too clingy, well, at least that's what Solomon told me." I looked down at my lap and felt tears begin to build up in the corners of my eyes. (Y/n) sat down next to me and put her arm around me and began to rub my back. I began to cry at her, suddenly trying to console me.

"Simeon, I don't think you're clingy!" She giggled and placed a hand on my right cheek so she could make me face her direction.

"I'm clingy, I mean, I came ALL the way over to Purgatory Hall in the middle of the day, after Lucifer told me not to leave, just to come to check on you. I was worried when you wouldn't reply. I thought that something awful may have happened or what if you had gotten sick? I had to come and see you!" She smiled sweetly at me and pulled me into a tight hug.

(Y/n)'s POV

I didn't understand why he was crying all of a sudden; maybe someone hurt his feelings. Wait, was it me? Perhaps, he's homesick! Although this is the very first time I see Simeon cry, I don't ever want to see him crying ever again.

"Simeon, are you sure you're okay? I'm here for you if you're not okay." I began to run my fingers through his soft black hair and held him as tightly as I could without hurting him.

"I'm sorry to have worried you, (Y/n). I really am okay; I'm crying because, well, because I didn't know you cared about me so much." He wiped his tears away from his face and looked up to me with his gorgeous blue eyes and had the softest, kindest smile on his face.

"I just wish I could spend all my time with you, you know? I felt like I needed to protect you when I first met you because you are an innocent soul in the Devildom, and I didn't want any demon to corrupt you! Of course, Luke also felt the same way about protecting you, and you two became friends so quickly because both of you love baking!" He cupped my face into his hand and ran his other hand through my (h/l) (h/c) hair while looking lovingly into my (e/c) eyes.

"I seem to have fallen in love with you somewhere along the line, but I kept on mistaking those romantic feelings. I thought I felt so strongly about you because I was always protecting you and cared about you. After having talked to Solomon about it, he explained to me that I wasn't actually listening to what I was feeling when around you, and that next time I was with you to thoroughly analyze and read them. Well, (Y/n), once I listened to what I felt and what my heart was feeling every time you smile your undeniably adorable smile at me. I knew that what I felt for you was love." He took both my hands into his before he closed his eyes and took a deep breath in and opened his eyes to once again looking into my (e/c) eyes.

"(Y/n), I love you! You are MY little lamb; I want to personally make sure you are always safe. I couldn't bear the idea of losing you! I would no longer be able to savor your sweet, sweet smile, or your beautiful laugh. I wouldn't be able to hear your honey-like voice greeting me sweetly every day or look into your two stunning (e/c) eyes. I love you, and I honestly would like to keep you all to myself." He giggled a little while he scratched the back of his neck before he continued. "I just, I just hope you feel the same way about me, or else this will turn awkward!" He looked away shyly and had a small smile on his face while he scratched his left cheek with his index finger.

"AWWW, Simeon!" You pulled him into a tight hug, pushing his face firmly against your chest, making the angel go wide-eyed for a moment before he decided to accept it and turn his head to look up at you.

"I love you too, Simeon!" You smiled down at him, and he immediately jumped up to kiss your soft lips. The kiss was short, but Simeon poured all the love and affection he felt for you into it, making you feel warm.

"Then, I assume that you and I are now dating! Therefore, I shall now call you my sweet little lamb, and you shall be my sweet little lamb forever!" He smiled innocently at you and kissed you again. You hugged him back and kissed him again, pulling away right before Luke came into the room.

"Hey! I made some Celestial cakes!... Oh, my God! I'm so sorry; I didn't mean to interrupt anything." He was blushing and looking away, Simeon and I were both confused until I noticed that at some point in the kiss I had straddled Simeon. 

The scene looked anything but innocent, especially to Luke. Simeon and I just began to laugh and got up to eat cakes with Luke. I was ready to spend the rest of the program like this; Luke is constantly trying to keep us from doing anything unholy, and Simeon and I laughing at him while eating bakes that we all made together.

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