Confession (Lucifer x Reader)

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It had already been two months since you've arrived in the Devildom, and even though you were stuck with Mammon as your babysitter, don't get me wrong he was a total sweetheart even when he was ranting and going on about how "THE great Mammon shouldn't be stuck taking care of some weak human!" I mean, you thought it was humorous that Mammon begged for your attention but still claimed he didn't want you around. Yet, you had begun to develop feelings for the eldest of the brothers, Lucifer.

Even though Lucifer always seemed to be too busy with taking care of Diavolo's every need and his own schoolwork. He always tried to accommodate time in his busy schedule to spend time with you, even if it was just to read together with you or to help you with your tasks. He simply enjoyed watching your (e/c) eyes as they focused on the task at hand and how you would twirl a strand of your (h/c) hair when you read something he had recommended. He was dumbfounded at the fact that he felt affectionate feelings towards you since no one had been able to awaken these feelings from him before. He wanted nothing more but to make your stay in the Devildom a happy and comfortable one, which was why he became upset when he found out you were making pacts with his brothers. Lucifer was upset by it or could he be feeling jealous of his brothers because they now are closer to (y/n) than he ever could be due to the pacts? Yes, he was furious that you hadn't even tried to ask him if he'd make a pact with you because truthfully, he would jump at the offer to form a pact with the person he cared about the most. So, when he found out that you made a pact with Asmo, well, that is was finally broke him and led him to demand to speak to you privately after dinner.

"Hey, (y/n) could you come to my bedroom after dinner? I have some important things I need to bring to your attention."

You glared at your phone seeing his message, and you were a blushing mess, Lucifer had never invited you into his bedroom before. Usually, you two spent all your time in the library reading and studying together. You then shyly replied with, "Of course, Lucifer! I just want to take a quick shower after dinner, and I'll be there!"

As soon as the notification appeared on his phone, he immediately checked what (y/n) had said and was growing excited and anxious for dinner to be over so he could finally talk to you in the privacy of his room. He replied with a simple, "That's fine, take your shower, and then immediately head to my room."

Time skip to dinner

Satan had been in charge of food preparations that day, and you were excited because Satan was a fantastic cook! And his food not only tasted amazing, but it also was aesthetically pleasing. While eating dinner, you constantly felt as if you were being watched but brushed it aside, thinking it was probably just Mammon or Levi and continued your conversation with Asmo.

"Oh (y/n), now that we have a pact, you have to tell me all of your burning secrets and always come to me to help you with your outfits and skincare! Oh, I have a great idea, since tomorrow is the last school day of the week we should have a skincare night together and watch cute romantic dramas all night long! What do you say?" You looked at Asmo and were excited to see his skincare routine because although you had one of your own you just had to know how he kept his skin so baby soft. You replied by saying,

"Oh, yes, that sounds amazing! Oh, I could definitely use your help with planning my outfits, we should go to Majolish so you can help me pick out clothes!" Asmo instantly lit up and replied,

"Yes~ it's going to be so much fun to dress you! You have the perfect body to play dress-up with!" Asmo turned to look at Lucifer's reaction knowing that it would tick him off, and he was pleased to see him frowning at him but also slightly scared because he was giving him the death stare. You, on the other hand, were caught off guard with his comment and was left blushing, shying away from his conversation.

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