He Tries to Make Up With You (Part 2)

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A/n: I cry, lol. So I had finished it yesterday but for some reason wattpad didn't save it when they said it was saved. When I opened this chapter again this is all the was saved. 😭 I'm sorry! I will try to write the last four boys today! But, enjoy the last three demon brothers! 😊 I hope to have part 3 up by today!


Asmo's POV

Three long and painful weeks had gone by since I treated (y/n) like she was a piece of garbage. I missed her dearly, and seeing her grow closer and closer to Simeon, Solomon, and Luke made me feel inferior. I am walking perfection; I am the hottest demon in the Devildom, NO ONE is better than me! But, yet, she has every right to ignore me and treat me as if I'm not the best demon in all of Devildom.

Every day I wake up and remember the mistake I made, every night I dream of the day that I hurt my precious rose. Every time the dream ends differently, sometimes it ends with her leaving me for Simeon or Solomon; other times, she gets so depressed she ends up taking her own life, or she just leaves to the human world and orders me to never come near her again. These dreams have been bothering my everyday life, especially on the nights I dream that (y/n) is dead. I see her, and I want to swoon over her and hold her as tightly as I can, but I can't because I can tell by the way she looks at me that she dislikes me.

Today I had woken up after having two dreams, the first dream involved (y/n), not only leaving me for Solomon but also ordering me to stay away from her. The second dream she had gone to the garden like she did on the day of the argument but, Simeon had been too busy to come and make her feel better, so she went into her room, I followed her even though she told me to leave her alone. That was when she turned around to face me, ordering me to stay where I was standing and pulled out a knife and ending her life right in front of me, and I was unable to do anything to save her. I couldn't move, I couldn't tell her to stop, I couldn't show her or tell her how much I loved her. I had woken up in a cold sweat and decided that a shower would help me forget about the dream. With the nightmare fresh in my mind, I decided that today, I would try to find a way to talk to her, I am going to apologize and tell her how much I miss her.

(Y/n)'s POV

These past three weeks have been a challenge! There have been countless times when I've started to head to Asmo's room, by habit, to tell him about something that happened that day. Solomon, Simeon, and Luke have been a great help these past three weeks; they have helped me with keeping my mind off of the incident. Luke would ask me to bake with him; we would usually bake in the House of Lamentation so that Beel could eat all the things we create. Simeon would often spend his time with me telling me about the Celestial Realm and ask me questions about the human world. Solomon, on the other hand, was a bit more mysterious, he would ask me if I had taken a liking to anyone, or if I was over Asmo. I felt like although maybe he did mean well, he may be telling Asmo everything I say to him. So, I kept my time around him short.

Today I was going to bake Celestial Cakes with Luke, which, according to Luke, is Simeon's favorite dessert. It would be my first time making this recipe, so I just hoped that it comes out perfect. I was hoping that Simeon would try a slice of my cake and approve of it. I held him close to me; he allowed me to vent about any problem I had and would give me amazing advice on what to do to either fix the problem or overcome the problem. I eventually found myself going to him more and more, not for advice or to vent, but to spend time with him. He made me feel like I was important to not only him but that all those around me loved me. Simeon made me feel at ease; I wasn't sure if it was me starting to have feelings for him or if it was due to his angelic aura.

Both Luke and Simeon arrived at the House of Lamentation, carrying all the ingredients needed for the cakes we would be making. Luke was puffing from carrying all the heavy ingredients, and Simeon didn't seem fazed by the things he was carrying. They set everything down in the kitchen, and both came to hug me.

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