Declaration of Love (Levi x Reader)

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It had been six months since you arrived in the Devildom, you were getting along well with all seven brothers but you were definitely closest to the avatar of envy. Leviathan was distant when you first arrived at the Devildom but became interested in getting to know you after having made a pact with you. He was practically glued to you after the pact had been formed. He even pondered going back to school and stop his online classes, so he could spend more time with you! He didn't really understand why he felt so nervous when you were around or why he suddenly felt like talking to you was difficult when at first he found having to make conversation with you annoying. Levi wanted to ask someone for advice but he couldn't go to just anyone for help because he was too scared of being teased about being unsure of his feelings towards you. After thinking it over for about a week he decided he would talk to Mammon about the way he felt after all Mammon was the second person he was closest to.

After dinner, Levi made a quick stop to Mammon's room to talk to him. *knock knock* Mammon responded with "Come in, doors unlocked!" Levi opened the door and closed it behind him and sat on Mammon's couch where Mammon had been sitting watching a show on how to get rich in less than 24 hours. Mammon paused his show and turned to Levi and said,

"What do ya want, Levi? If it's the money that I owe ya, then give me another 100 years and I'll pay ya back!" Levi had honestly been so caught up thinking about (y/n) that he had completely forgotten about that money he let Mammon borrow. But, he needed Mammon's help so pressuring him to pay him back would work against his favor.

"No Mammon, I'm not here about the money you owe me. I'm here b-because I-I need your help!" Levi was so embarrassed he had begun to blush after asking Mammon for help but was interrupted by Mammon's sudden outburst.

"OF COURSE YOU'RE HERE FOR HELP, I AM THE GREAT MAMMON! AHAHAHA! So, what can ya big brother Mammon help ya with?" Mammon was radiating confidence and had that huge smile on his face because Levi had asked him for help.

"Well, you see I'm feeling these weird emotions whenever (y/n) is around me...I don't understand what they are. Whenever she comes around I feel all nauseous and I noticed that I'm not even able to talk to her...It's like I see her and I become a stuttering mess! I've only felt this way when it came to 2-D girls...and (y/n) is definitely not a 2-D girl, so why do I feel attracted to her?" Levi had begun asking Mammon for advice but found himself rambling on about how similar the emotions he felt for (y/n) were similar to how he felt about Ruri-chan and ended up answering the initial question at hand. Now what he needed to do is decide if he should tell (y/n) or not. Levi had been immersed in his thoughts and didn't notice Mammon staring intensely at him.

"Levi, ya know (y/n) likes you too! She literally NEVER shuts up about you or how she thinks its really adorable when you get embarrassed. Or how she loves to hear your voice so much that she lets you ramble on and on about whatever anime you're obsessed with. I literally got to know you better as a person because of how much (y/n) talks about you and your interests and all that stuff!" Levi was in shock he was just sitting on the couch with his mouth open and he began to try and analyze what Mammon had just said when Mammon interrupted his thoughts yet again.

"OH SHIT! I WAS NOT SUPPOSED TO TELL YOU THAT! (Y/n) told me not to tell you she liked you because she was scared you didn't see her that way! Ya won't tell her I told ya, right?" Mammon put on his best puppy eyes and looked at Levi. Levi then smiled mischievously and said.

"Oh, she did, well I won't tell (y/n) you said anything. But, you gotta help me with ideas on how to confess my affection for her!"

"WHAT?!? Why would I, THE GREAT Mammon, help you with that kind of thing?? Isn't that Asmo's specialty?? I don't know what to do or say in that kind of situation!" Levi was upset but not really disappointed that Mammon was not on board with helping him out. So he decided he would have to ask Asmo for advice or he would have to look up different scenes from his favorite anime where the main character confesses their love to their crush.

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