Accedental Confession (Mammon x Reader)

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Mammon's POV

I got an unexpected call from an unknown number. When I responded, it was a human telling me that I am to take care of her during her one year stay at the Devildom. As much as I protested this, I really didn't mind having to look after the human. Lucifer then ordered me to go to the student council meeting hall so I could meet this human. Upon arrival, I began protesting again, asking why Beel or Asmo or anyone else that isn't me couldn't look after the human. Lucifer then gave me a death glare with an innocent smile on his face and demanded that I follow his orders unless I wanted to be punished for insubordination. That was the start of all these strange feelings that began to creep up after I took full responsibility of taking care of the human exchange student. I gave her a small tour of the House of Lamentation where she met Levi, and I ditched her after Levi asked me to pay back what I owed him. After giving Levi some time to cool down I went to get (y/n) and keep her away from Levi, I wasn't sure why but I didn't want her to be around him or any of my other brothers. I didn't want to see her getting friendly with them. After all, she is MY human, and I'm the one Lucifer and Diavolo entrusted in caring for her!

Time Skip to a month after you arrived.

(y/n)'s POV

It was morning, and there were no classes today, you laid in bed comfortable under your blanket and pondered sleeping in. As you were about to decide to go back to sleep, your door was swung open to show Mammon standing there fully dressed and ready to start the day.

"HEY (y/n)! Wake up already! I have something fun for us to do today!!" Mammon exclaimed with a huge grin on his face.

"But I don't want to get up yet! Can't this plan wait like 30 more minutes?" you groaned under the blanket, begging Mammon to go away. Then Mammon did something surprising and unexpected, he got into bed with you and held you tightly. He ever so gently pulled you onto his chest and slowly ran his fingers through your (h/l)(h/c) hair.

"Mammon, what are you doing?" you exclaimed with a shocked look on your face but couldn't help blushing from his sudden act of affection. Mammon then responded with a soft and caring tone in his voice, a complete opposite of his usual confident and loud tone saying,

"I'm taking care of my human. What does it look like I'm doing? Do you want to sleep for a little bit longer? If you do, you can sleep right here right now, I don't mind holding you." he was looking down at you with his beautiful blue eyes full of love. At the same time, he was hoping that you wouldn't look up at him to see how embarrassed he was to be in this position. You looked up at Mammon and smiled when you saw how flustered he was to be in bed with you and replied to his questions,

"Mammon, I do wanna sleep more, especially if it means I get to have you holding me! I love you, you are amazing, kind, sweet, and you are so so cute. I love it when you get flustered and protective when any of your brothers try to get close to me. I want to spend as much time as I can with you, I don't want to spend time with anyone else but you!" You covered your mouth, realizing that you just confessed your feelings for him and were scared to see and hear his reaction to your confession to him. Your (e/c) eyes met his blue eyes, and Mammon put his hand on your chin cupping your face and then said,

"You're not messing with me, are ya?" you looked at him and started giggling at his sudden unsure question and responded to him,

"Of course I mean it, Mammon! I wouldn't lie about that kind of thing!" Mammon then looked at you with a massive smile on his face and said confidently,

"Well then, if that's the case, how about we start dating? If you have any problems, you'll come to me and only me. You will be mine, and I'll make sure everyone in the Devildom knows it, especially my brothers." You began blushing again after he asked you to be his girlfriend because you never thought that Mammon would actually have a crush on you too. You got up a little and replied to Mammon's question by saying,

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