Boyfriend Scenarios (He Protects You) Part 1

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A/n: I had to give the Devildom History Teacher a name to write this, so I just named him Mr. Smith...sorry if that's your last name, it was the only name I could come up with. 😭 Also, there is some mention of blood and violence, so be warned! Lastly, Beel and Belphie will be in part two!

(Y/n)'s POV

It had been one day since the incident with my Devildom History teacher, Mr. Smith, occurred. I've had nightmares every night about him coming to the House of Lamentation in the middle of the night and killing me. I woke up crying every time and always called (bf/n) and told them about it. Every night usually ending with him coming to my room and sleeping with me so that I wouldn't be afraid, giving me the much-needed comfort after the nightmare.

Mr. Smith's POV

In Lord Diavolo's Dungeon

A huge crash was heard in the dimly-lit dungeon, Mr. Smith had finally saved up enough energy to break the chains around his wrists and ankles. He growled at the pain he felt on his wrists and ankles from how tight the shackles were on them. After giving it a small rub, he looked around for the door that led out of there and headed straight towards it. He was able to make it past all the guards and staff of the palace and back to his home.

Once he was home, he changed into an all-black outfit and waited for nightfall, because it was then that he planned to go to the House of Lamentation to end that pathetic human's life. After she is dead, there would be no way that Lord Diavolo's plan for peace would ever work!

Later that night...

Mr. Smith began heading towards the House of Lamentation, pocket knife in hand, and ready to take an innocent human's life. How will this endeavor end for him?


(Y/n)'s POV

I was sitting in Lucifer's office, reading a novel that Satan recommended on (f/subject), while Lucifer was working on his massive stack of paperwork he had due by the end of tomorrow. After I heard him sigh for the fifth time, I looked up at him to see that he ran a hand through his hair in frustration. I quietly put my book down after placing the bookmark on the page I was on, walked up to him, and rubbed his back.

"Luci, do you want me to help you out?" I whispered and saw him shake his head.

"No, (y/n). I couldn't make you do this; Lord Diavolo entrusted me to do it. You may mess something up in the paperwork, and I don't want to add more stress to the stress I already have." I heard the venom in his words when he said the last sentence, I felt hurt and felt like it was my fault he was so behind in his work. If I hadn't bothered him every night for the past three nights, he wouldn't be so behind.

"Okay, I'm gonna go to bed. I'm sorry about causing you to become so behind on work. Goodnight." I whispered before I left for my room.

On the short walk there, I felt like I was being watched through the windows. I brushed it off, thinking that I'm just scared to have my nightmare again. When I turned the corner to get to my room, I saw my door closing slowly. I felt something was wrong, none of the brothers ever came into my room this late at night, at least not ever since Lucifer and I started dating. I walked up to the door and slowly opened it.

As soon as I opened the door I felt my heart drop to my stomach, Mr. Smith was sitting on my bed, twirling a knife in his right hand. He looked up at me and had a sadistic smile spread across his lips. I wanted to run, scream, do something, but I couldn't I was frozen there, unable to move or call out for Lucifer or any of the other boys. Mr. Smith slowly rose from the bed and held the handle of their knife tightly in their right hand and started to walk towards me with that smile.

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