Boyfriend Scenarios (He Stabs You in the Back/Hurts Your Feelings) Part 1

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A/N: I didn't add Asmo, Beel, or Belphie because I felt like it's been forever since I updated this book. So, they will be added into part two! I hope you guys enjoy this, the idea for an angsty chapter was made by beerflavouricecream! Thank you for submitting your idea!

I had been trying not to bother Lucifer recently because he said he would be very busy with paperwork and carrying out Diavolo's orders. So, here I am sitting in my room reading a book that Satan had recommended to me. I was halfway done with it already; it was exciting and all but, I needed a break from reading. I placed the bookmark on the page and made my way up to Lucifer's room. I knew he said not to bother him, but if I'm just sitting at his desk, is it bothering him?

I just missed his company well, his hugs and kisses too but, I knew that would be pushing for too much. As I was walking towards his room, I was stopped by Beel, who looked at me with his sad eyes. His stomach growled loudly, and he said loud enough for the entire House of Lamentation to hear.

"(Y/n)! What a coincidence that I run into you here! Can you make me something to eat?" He smiles at me and puts his hands together in a begging motion.

"Fine, Beel, what are you hungry for?" I turn around and begin to make my way to the kitchen

Timeskip to after cooking for Beel

I looked at Beel's happy face; he was staring at the giant mountain of burgers and salivating. I laughed quietly and turned to walk up to Lucifer's room once again; this time, I was stopped by Satan, who gave me the same sad expression as Beel. He looked at me and shook his head before speaking.

"(Y/n), where are you going?" He asked with the frown still present on his face.

"I'm going to Lucifer's room; I just wanna sit and enjoy his company. I miss him." I smiled and looked at Lucifer's bedroom door.

"Ah, that's nice, but could you help me with a small problem I have?" He had a small smile on his face now, and I felt suspicious of it but still smiled back at him.

"Sure, what is it?" I looked at him, waiting to see what he needed help on, he never asked for help, from anyone.

"Well, there is a human world recipe that I want to try to make, but I need to know the difference between angel hair pasta and spaghetti pasta? They look identical to me; of course, one is thinner than the other but, maybe you know?" He gave me a questioning look, and I felt like he was just trying to keep me from going to Lucifer's room, so I sighed and indulged him.

Timeskip to after making up some story about pasts for Satan

He was sitting there pondering everything I had just told him; I was laughing internally because there is no way a human would know what a real angel's hair would taste like to make a pasta named after their hair. But, it seemed to leave Satan occupied for me to go and make my way to Lucifer's room.

I was finally standing in front of his door, just as I was about to knock on the door I heard him talking to someone.

"Don't worry; the human has no idea this is all a joke. Yes, my lord, I know, be careful, don't let her find out. I am not playing with her feelings; I am simply researching to see how humans show love to the people they care about. Don't worry; she's too naive and stupid to find out about this. I give her enough affection to make it seem like I love her." I heard him let out a booming laugh after he finished talking to Diavolo, I couldn't believe what I had just heard...

Lucifer's POV

I was lying to Lord Diavolo; this little experiment he had organized was no longer an experiment in my eyes. I had fallen in love with (y/n), I always wanted to see her gorgeous smile and feel those soft loving eyes looking at me. I heard a whimper at my door; Lord Diavolo was still telling me to lead her on and what else I should be doing to ensure she doesn't find out about the situation.

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