Boyfriend Scenarios (They Mark You): Belphie

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Art by: @_ivutyoz_ on Instagram

Belphie's POV

I woke up in a cold sweat; the same nightmare came again. (Y/n) was in danger, but I am always too slow to save them on time. Then, once I get to them, they've already sustained injuries all over their body. I was too late again; it was torture watching them scream in agony and not being able to do anything about it. I looked to my left side to see (y/n); they were sleeping and had a smile on their face. They looked so peaceful, asleep and dreaming. I laid back down and wrapped my arms around their sleeping figure. They started to sound like they were waking up, so I began to silence them and run my fingers through their (h/l) hair. They eventually fell asleep again, and I kept running my fingers through their (h/c) hair.

We had decided to come up to the attic and sleep up here so we could have some privacy. I loved feeling them by my side; it made me feel calm. I knew they were safe in bed with me and that no one could hurt them because they were with me. I had thought about asking them if they wanted to be marked by me, but I felt like it was an odd thing to ask them. I kept on thinking that they would be opposed to it or get mad at me for wanting to mark them. I just want to make sure that they're safe from anyone that may try to hurt them! Is that so bad? I don't think it is, but they might, and that will hurt our relationship. For now, I would have to wait and see if they are still being bothered at school.

Time Skip to the Next Day, Afterschool

I was waiting for (y/n) outside of their class, but they weren't coming out. I walked in and saw that they were sitting at their desk with a female student looming over their desk. She seemed to be pestering (y/n) about something, so I walked up to them and pushed the girl away from (y/n).

"Get away from (y/n)! Who do you think you are, talking to them like that?" I loomed over the girl, and she was shaking from fear of me hurting her.

"I-I'm sorry, I-I promise I-I won't mess with th-them again!" She was looking towards the door and ran out of the class after I turned around to see (y/n) look at me with a frown on their face.

"(Y/n), how long have they been bullying you for?" I felt upset that they had been bullied but hadn't said anything.

"Well, since the Devildom History got fired. She called me an entitled bitch, and the other teachers began to act like I could get them fired. No one wants to talk to me, not even Stacy! She is supposed to be my friend from Devildom Literature class." They looked upset at that moment and looked like they would cry; I knew what it felt like to be alone.

"(Y/n), why didn't you tell me about this?" I cupped their face in my hands and rubbed their cheek with my thumb.

"I didn't think it was that important. I mean, I could care less what that girl said to me, she isn't relevant." (Y/n) seemed like they weren't fazed, but I felt like it was all a front.

"(Y/n), can I mark you?" I sat down at the desk next to them and held their hands in mine while looking into their (e/c) eyes.

"Uhm, yeah, sure! How do you do that?" They looked into my eyes with curiosity in their eyes; I just smiled and explained.

"We would have to have sex, both of us would have to climax, and as soon as the second person climaxes, I kiss the area where I would want your mark to be. You would feel a burning sensation in the area for a second, and then my mark will be on you forever. Well, if I don't die or you and I have a falling out, that is. Then whenever you touch the mark, I will feel all the emotions you're feeling the moment you touch it, I'll know when you are safe or not too. It's mostly so I can know more about your well-being. I don't want you to get hurt, and this is the best way for me to keep you safe." I pouted and squeezed their hands in mine as I looked into their eyes, they seemed to understand everything I told them, they nodded their head and took my hands in theirs and squeezed them.

"Okay, I want to do it then! Do you know what your mark looks like?" They smiled brightly at me and started packing their things. I giggled and answered their question.

"I don't know; you're the first person ever to be marked by me. I don't know how the design of the mark works, so; I have no clue how it'll look." I stood up and took their book bag in one hand, and held their hand with my free hand; we walked back home.

Upon arriving, we put (y/n)'s things in her room and made our way up to the attic. I knew that we would have the most privacy up there, and it was far enough from the others, so they won't hear any noises we make.

I led them to sit down on the bed in the far corner of the room and started to set up the pillows and move the blankets from the bed. I made sure the pillows would allow for (y/n) to be comfortable in bed during the marking ritual. I sat down next to them and pulled them to sit on my lap, wrapping my arms around them and begin to kiss them.

The kiss was sloppy but passionate; I could taste their saliva. They tasted like caramel and vanilla; I wanted more of them. I stood up with them in my arms and placed them on the center while I continued to kiss them. I ran my hands up and down their torso and started to pull their shirt over their head. After I removed their top, I started to pinch their nipples and nibble their neck. I could hear (y/n)'s breathing falter with every move I made, every new area my hand touched brought out a new reaction from them.

I sat up and started removing their bottoms, removing my clothes after I undressed them. Looking down at them, I carefully inserted two fingers into their hole; their walls tightened around my fingers. I started pumping my fingers inside them and reached over to continue stimulating their nipple. (Y/n) was a moaning mess under my touch and was swelling my pride and my excitement to please them. I want to make sure that (y/n) enjoys and remembers this moment in our relationship.

I took my fingers out after I stretched them out to accommodate my now hardened member. I aligned my tip with (y/n)'s hole, and I slowly inserted myself into them. While I eased myself into them, I tried to distract them by caressing their face and leaning down to kiss them again. I was entirely inside of them now, and I started thrusting into them.

Starting out with slow, but strong thrusts to help (y/n) adjust to my size. After a while, I slowly started to pick up the pace and was thrusting quickly inside of them. I could hear their loud moans of pleasure as I continued to thrust into them. I looked down at them under me, their eyes were shut, mouth opened as they moaned, and a dark shade of pink was dusted on their face. I felt proud to know that (y/n) was reacting this way for me and only me, I continued to thrust but felt my self coming closer to the edge, I wanted to reach my orgasm but, I also wanted to be inside of (y/n) longer.

(Y/n)'s POV

I felt him thrusting quick and rough into me; I honestly felt as if I could break with the next thrust he made. I opened my eyes to be greeted with his beautiful purple eyes studying my facial expressions. Belphie smiled and pulled me into another passionate kiss and slowed down his thrusts. He finally separated from the kiss and looked at me before he dove back down to me and started to kiss my neck. The kisses tickled my neck and sent goose-bumps down my spine; they felt good. I felt the love he was radiating to me with every kiss he gave me.

I started to notice that Belphie had started grunting and moaning into my neck, and his thrusts were now sloppy but still rough. Each of his thrusts is hitting deeper inside of me, making my eyes roll back from pleasure. I continued moaning as I felt my legs begin to twitch, and my walls start to tighten around his member. Belphie, on the other hand, was getting closer and closer to his release, and once my walls tightened around him, he lost his will to hold back his orgasm much longer. He filled me up with his hot load, and I also climaxed the same time he did, Belphie fell on me and kissed my right collar bone, and a purple crescent moon with a star-shaped mark appeared in the area, I had felt the burning sensations like Belphie had said I would feel.

After the mark was formed, he rolled off of me and pulled me into his arms. We laid there in each other's arms, looking into each other's eyes, we kissed once more. During the kiss, Belphie had started to touch the mark, making me feel warm and fuzzy inside. He giggled at my surprised expression and kissed me before he held me close and whispered.

"It's time to go to sleep, (y/n)" His arms snaked around my waist and pulled me closer to him, I giggled and responded.

"Okay, Belphie! I love you!" I pecked his lips and buried my face into his chest, and heard him chuckle before responding.

"I love you too, (y/n)." He kissed the top of my head as we both drifted off to sleep.

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