He Tries to Make Up With You (Part One)

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It's been two weeks since I overheard Lucifer talking to Lord Diavolo about being in a fake relationship with me. It's been hard to get over Lucifer since I truly, did love him. I did everything I could when we were in our "relationship" to make him happy; I even stopped participating in Mammon's shenanigans. I felt betrayed; for all I knew, the brothers were all also faking being my friends.

I soon found out that they were genuine because once I told Mammon about what happened, he told the rest of the boys, and they all went against Lucifer, including Beel, who always says it's his duty to protect Lucifer. They did everything they could to keep Lucifer away from me. I only saw him during Student Council meetings and meals. It was the most awkward to attend the meetings because Lord Diavolo, who was the mastermind behind the "pretend to love (y/n)" experiment, was there too.

Lord Diavolo would use any occasion to try to talk to me, sending Barbatos to pick me up from RAD. He would claim that he needed help with the upcoming events that he has planned for RAD. The last event he planned out was themed on "Alice in Wonderland," and he claimed that he needed my help. He asked me to help with approving or denying the designs for the brother's costumes and to help Barbatos pick out decorations for the party he would throw at the end of the event. Lord Diavolo always threw a party at the end of each event where everyone that came had to be dressed according to the themes event. These parties were still extravagant, and Lord Diavolo spared no expense when planning for them.

This time Diavolo wanted to plan an event surrounding the tradition of Chinese New Year, I had no clue what people did on Chinese New Year. But, here I was sitting in his office while he asked me hundreds of questions about this tradition. I just shrugged my shoulders and refused to make eye-contact with him. I never spoke directly to him after the phone call; I could tell that he hated the fact that I didn't want to look at him or talk to him.

"(Y/n)I really could use your full attention, please." He looked at me with a small smile on his face. I turned to look at him but broke eye-contact to look over his shoulder before responding.

"I told you already; I don't know what people do during Chinese New Year. I've never celebrated it." I made sure to sound slightly irritated when responding; I caught a glimpse of Lord Diavolo's angry expression before I continued to look over his shoulder.

"(Y/n), show me some respect. I am the next in line for the throne in the Devildom. The LEAST you could do is make eye-contact with me. If this disrespect continues, I may have to send you back to the human world and end your time as an exchange student early." He tried to sound threatening, as he eyed me down, hoping to get a glimpse of fear in my eyes, little did he know that I am great at hiding my emotions.

"You say that like it's a bad thing. The person that would suffer the most from having a student write a paper about the horrible experiences in the Devildom would be you; the Celestial Realm wouldn't stand for it. You wouldn't achieve your goal of creating harmony between the three realms, and I would be able to have Solomon write a bad review as well. So, maybe you should stop acting as if I owe you any respect after what you and your lapdog, Lucifer, did to me." I stood up and began making my way to leave his office when Lord Diavolo suddenly appeared in front of me.

"Why can't you let that go, it's been two weeks since you found out and you're still whining over it. I don't care if you and Solomon write a paper making the Devildom look bad, Barbatos can change it to look like a good review, and my plans can keep on moving. Also, I do believe that both Lucifer and I have attempted to apologize to you on several occasions, and every time you find a way to escape before we can properly apologize to you." He had his arms crossed over his chest and was trying to give me that "scolding" voice but, I wasn't having it.

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