Boyfriend Scenarios (They Mark You): Barbatos

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Art by: @minoux-draws on Tumblr

Barbatos' POV

Today I woke up with (y/n) in my arms, and they looked so peaceful, asleep in my arms. At that moment, I knew that I wanted to mark them because I couldn't fathom the idea of (y/n) being alone and afraid. I want to know if they are okay, and I want to make sure they are safe. I leaned in and kissed (y/n) on their forehead and headed out to help Lord Diavolo with getting ready for the busy day ahead.

I finished getting dressed and was standing in front of Lord Diavolo's bedroom door. I knocked lightly and opened the door to see that Lord Diavolo was still asleep. I decided that I would give him an extra thirty minutes of sleep while I prepared breakfast.

Time Skip

I finished cooking breakfast and was at Lord Diavolo's door again. I knocked on the door louder than earlier and opened the door to see Lord Diavolo was already in the shower. I moved quickly to make his bed, take out the clothes he was to wear today and wait for him.

"Ah, Barbatos! Good Morning!" Lord Diavolo saw me standing next to his bed with his clothes and began to get dressed.

"Good Morning, My Lord! Breakfast is already prepared. I hope you enjoyed the extra sleep time! Today you have two meetings set up, one with Simeon and one with Lucifer. Then, Lucifer will also join you for your afternoon and evening tea, as usual. I placed all the paperwork that you need to complete today on your desk, it's not as much as yesterday, but it is quite a bit of work." I smiled at Lord Diavolo and gestured for him to go to the dining room. I followed behind him, and he turned his head and asked,

"Barbatos, you seem to be thinking about something, what is it?" He smiled as he walked down the stairs, and I followed behind him.

"Oh, it's (y/n). I've been debating on whether or not I wanted to mark them. But, this morning, I looked at them asleep in my arms and knew that I was sure that I want to mark them. But, I'm worried they won't agree to it or think that I'm overprotective." I was shaking my head, trying to get all the negative thoughts out, and made my way to the kitchen after I was sure that Lord Diavolo was seated. I grabbed his tray and entered the dining room.

"Barbatos, why don't you take the rest of the morning off? I'll let Simeon know just to let himself in and come to my office! You need to ask (y/n), it's something important for you and them to talk about." Lord Diavolo's smile grew wider as he shooed me away with his hands.

"Thank you, My Lord." I bowed and went to the kitchen to take breakfast in bed for (y/n) and me.

I walked into my room and saw (y/n) was sitting up on the bed and was rubbing their (e/c) eyes. I walked up to the bed and placed the food on the nightstand before I cupped their face in my hand and kissed their forehead.

"Good Morning, sweetheart! I brought us breakfast! Lord Diavolo gave me the rest of the morning off, so we can spend more time together." I then kissed their lips and helped them sit on the bed with their back resting on the headboard.

"Awe, Barbatos! That's so sweet of him, and you for bringing me breakfast! Thank you!" They looked so sweet, wrapped up in my blankets, and with a mouth full of eggs.

"Yes, he wanted to give me the time to ask you something important. I've been thinking about it for a while." I looked down at the floor and then up to (y/n), who was swallowing their food.

"What is it, Barbatos? Sit down! Aren't you going to eat?" They looked at me with a smile; I could tell that they wanted me to get what was on my mind off my chest. I circled the bed and sat next to them, turning to face them; I took a deep breath and spoke.

"(Y/n), I wanted to know if you would let me mark you?" I looked into their beautiful (e/c) eyes and felt myself growing nervous.

"Sure! What does your mark look like? Also, how do we do it?" They put their spoon down and turned to face me with an excited look on their face.

"We would have to have sex. I don't know what my mark looks like; I've never really cared enough about anyone to feel the need to mark them. You're the first human that I find myself attracted to. I think about you all the time, I love you with all my being, and I want to keep you as safe as I possibly can." I leaned in and buried my face into their neck, kissed them, and whispered.

"That's why I want to mark you and show the world that you belong to me. So, would you allow me to mark you?" I kissed their neck once more and wrapped my arms around their waist.

"I already said yes, sweetie." They put the food back on the nightstand and wrapped their arms around me, too, running their fingers through my black and blue hair.

"Okay, take off your clothes." I started tugging at their shirt and pulled back to help them undress.

They removed their top, and I was looking at their bare chest. I leaned in and started kissing every inch of exposed skin. Working my way from their shoulders, down to their chest, and ending at their stomach. I went back up and connected our lips. I licked their bottom lip, asking for entrance.

(Y/n) opened their mouth, giving me entrance to their mouth. I then took that opportunity to explore every corner of their mouth, as I used my right hand to palm their southern regions.

(Y/n)'s POV

I was excited to have Barbatos mark me; he was rubbing my crotch, making me more and more excited for what he is going to do. I felt him pull away from our kiss and went down to nibble on my neck. I tangled my fingers into his hair and lightly tugged it. I felt him move away from my neck and reconnected our lips for a second before he spoke.

"(Y/n), lay down so that I can take off the rest of your clothes." He whispered as he hooked his fingers on the hem of my bottoms and tugging them down as I moved to lay down.

He took off his uniform and threw it on the floor next to the bed. Barbatos got in between my legs and aligned himself to my entrance. He slowly pushed himself into me, it hurt at first, but after a while, I felt the pain turning into pleasure. His hard member was filling me up, in a way I've never been filled before. It felt like he was completing me.

Barbatos started to slowly thrust into me as he pinched my nipple and held onto my hips. His breathing was irregular, and when I looked up at him, I could tell that he was worried about hurting me. I reached out and cupped his face in my hand and whispered.

"It's okay to move faster; it doesn't hurt anymore!" Barbatos looked down at me and nodded before holding the hand I had cupped on his face, and he tightened his grip on my hips.

His thrusts grew quick and hard; each one hit deep inside of me. His thrusts kept on moving faster inside of me and were all hitting my sweet spot repeatedly. I had my eyes closed from the pleasure I was experiencing from Barbatos' abuse of my g-spot and was biting my lower lip. I felt a knot form in my abdomen, and with every thrust, it grew tighter and tighter until I felt it get extremely tight. I wrapped my legs around Barbatos' hips and felt my legs tense up around him, giving him less room to move and keeping him inside of me. I fluttered open my eyes and felt the knot break, and my body trembled in response, and my eyes rolled back from the intense orgasm I experienced.

I continued to moan as Barbatos thrusted into me four more times until he finally came inside of me. His semen was filling me up as he continued to thrust into me. He then leaned down and kissed my neck, where I felt a small burning sensation. He pulled back and admired his mark before he finally spoke.

"It's a rose, and it's blue, like my hair. It looks beautiful on you, though." He leaned down and kissed it again, sending waves of ecstasy throughout my body.

"Barbatos, can we cuddle?" I whispered and was met with his lips on mine before he responded.

"Yes, but it won't be a long cuddle session. I have to get lunch started in about an hour!" He checked his DDD on the nightstand before setting the alarm and crawled into bed and wrapped his arms around me.

"I love you, Barbatos!" I stated as I snuggled into his arms and began to relax.

"I love you too, (y/n)." Barbatos whispered in my ear as he tightened his hold on me before he started playing with my hair. We both soon fell asleep in each other's arms, content in knowing we are both safe and together.

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