I Can't Imagine My Life Without You In It (Solomon x Reader)

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Solomon's POV

(Y/n) and I have been together for nine months; they have been the best nine months of my life. She is fearless and determined; she loves to hear all my stories about my past; most of all, she wants to learn everything there is to know about magic. I want to spend as much time as I can with her; she has beautiful (h/c) (h/l) hair that frames her gorgeous face. Two magnificent (e/c) eyes that look into my own dark blue eyes, and when she smiles, I feel my heart melt. My daydreaming was cut off when Simeon and Luke walked into my room.

"Good Afternoon, Solomon. How are you doing?" Simeon asked with a small smile on his face, and Luke was waving to me from behind him.

"Good Afternoon, Simeon and Luke. You two caught me daydreaming. How are you two doing?" I smiled back at them and waved back at Luke.

"We are doing well, Solomon. You were thinking about (y/n) again, right? You should go see her; I'm sure she'll be excited to see you! Luke and I always catch her daydreaming about you during class. You two are clearly in love, aren't they Luke?" Simeon smiled at me and then turned to look at Luke.

"Well, (y/n) is in love with him, but my real concern is if Solomon is taking his relationship with her seriously! I don't think he is taking her seriously!" Luke was fuming, Simeon had told me before that Luke had grown attached to (y/n) due to her kind nature. So, I understood why he was so quick to protect her from having her feelings hurt.

"Luke, of course, I love her; I love her more than anything. I was honestly thinking of asking her to marry me...I just don't know how to ask her." I began to think about (y/n) again, and without knowing, I began to pace around my room.

"Well, Solomon, why don't you? If you feel like she is the one for you, then marry her. But, remember marriage is a partnership; do you see the two of you working through every obstacle that comes your way?" Simeon asked me while grabbing my shoulder to stop me from pacing around and turned me to face him.

"Simeon, I see myself living every moment of the rest of my life with her. I feel like we would be able to overcome every obstacle we face because we work well together. Simeon, Luke, would you two be able to come with me to pick out a ring? I already have an idea of how I want it to look but, I feel like if I get approval from you and Luke, then (y/n) will be sure to love it!" I pleaded Simeon and Luke while smiling at them.

"I would love to join you! Luke, are you coming too?" Simeon looked at Luke with a soft smile.

"Of course, I'm going! I will make sure you pick a ring worthy of (y/n)! It will be as stunning as her!" Luke exclaimed and began marching out of my room.

I ran to grab my wallet and made my way to Luke and Simeon. We began making our way to the nearest jewelry shop; it was in a shopping center. Once we arrived, to my surprise Mammon and Asmo were in the store together. Asmo spotted me and tackled me in a tight hug, while Mammon was too preoccupied looking at the necklaces to notice Asmo left him alone.

"Solomon!~ What are you doing here? Oh, and you brought Simeon and Luke!" He winked at us and released me from his death grip.

"Oh, I am here to pick out an engagement ring for (y/n), and I asked Simeon and Luke to help me with the decision. What are you doing here?" I smiled at him and began to giggle at his shocked face. Once he realized that I was planning on proposing to (y/n) his face lit up, he knew I would require his help planning it out.

"OH MY GOD, SOLOMON!! Yes, I want to help you plan everything! Please, please, please, I am perfect for the job! I can plan the wedding and everything, It'll be perfect and the wedding of (y/n) and your dreams!" He was already jumping up and down from excitement.

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