Helpful Skeletons And Advice-Giving Cyclopes

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The West Side...
"Why—are—there—so—many—monsters?!" Thalia panted, drawing her arm back once more.

Reyna scowled, gripping her dagger tightly. "What's taking Percy so long?" The Praetor asked in reply. "It's been hours."

"Loki said time works differently in... wherever the Hades they are," Thalia replied, "but still, this is a little ridiculous."

The com buzzed in their ears. "We need help on the south side," Steve grunted.

Thalia put a hand to her ear. "Phoebe," she ordered, "take seven hunters from the front and help them."

"Understood," came the static reply back.

They had strategically spread out their forces around the building, splitting into four separate groups that consisted of mortals, hunters, Greeks, and Romans alike. Thalia was only on the west side because Reyna's group had been swarmed suddenly.

"I could use a little help on the east side," Nico panted over the line.

"Copy that," Natasha replied, as Thalia said, "On my way, Death Breath."

Reyna nodded at her. "Thanks for the help. We've got it now."

Thalia tilted her head and slung the bow over her back. Reyna ran off to help a Greek. Thalia pulled out a knife and set off to help Nico.

The East Side...
Nico grinned when Thalia arrived two minutes—and four dead monsters—later. "Took your time," he shouted, ducking under a clawed swipe.

Thalia suppressed a shudder as Nico effortlessly killed the dracaena. Not for the first time, she was glad Nico was on her side.

A centaur reared up to stomp her. She slashed and rolled, the hooves kicking up dust behind her. She swiped again (letting electricity crackle along her blade), and, distracted, the monster missed the dagger flying at it until the weapon buried itself hilt-deep into the centaur's neck. It burst into gold dust with a screech.

Thalia looked past the falling dust. "Thanks," she said to Natasha.

Natasha nodded and picked up the dagger. "Anytime."

The spy glanced around. Skeletons littered the field, confusing the monsters with their large numbers while the humans finished them off.

"Those... things are on our side... right?" Natasha asked uncertainly.

"Yeah," Thalia nodded. "Son of Hades, remember?" The Hunter jerked a finger at said demigod.

An arrow whistled through the air before finding a home in the dracaena that had been approaching the duo. Thalia raised a hand in thanks to the open window in the building where the shot had come from. Only a flash of clothing indicated that there had been a person at all, making it hard to tell if it had been a fellow Hunter or the mortal archer.

"Are you two going to stand there all day and talk, or are you gonna help me?" Nico hollered, pausing in his slashing.

He truly was a sight to behold: his obsidian sword sucked up shadows and monsters alike, and his creepy skeletons encircling him.

"Yeah, yeah, Death Boy. Hold your horses," Thalia yelled. "Or your skeletons, I guess," she added with a frown and a shrug.

Natasha and Thalia exchanged looks and, without another word, charged back into the fray.

The North Side...
Thor summoned lightning, the bolts of electricity crashing into groups of monsters. He glanced over, watching two demigods—he believed they were collectively called the Stolls—bicker back and forth, with each other and with the monsters.

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