Oh Look, It's Fred And George Weas-*cough* I Mean Travis And Conner Stoll

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Things in italics and bold are flashbacks (from the first chapter).


Percy sighed when the screech interrupted his conversation with Katie. The god shot a pleading look at his companion. "He's your boyfriend," Percy leveraged.

Katie countered back swiftly, "He's here for you."

Percy groaned at her logic. He gave the daughter of Demeter a small, exasperated smile before excusing himself and jogging towards the yelling.

It was coming from the Hunters' encampment.

No surprise there.

"You're gonna be lucky if you can crawl after I catch you!"

Percy passed Tony and Clint, the former giving him a good luck; you're gonna need it face, and the latter giving him a thumbs-up with a big, cheesy smile.

Percy gave Clint the bird.

Which was sorta ironic, considering his hero name was a bird.

The son of Poseidon finally reached the Hunters' small clearing. The females milled around, mostly making arrows and washing clothes. He wasn't surprised to see a raging Thalia, who also happened to be dripping wet. Percy figured that was why she was so angry.

He was observant like that.

Thalia noticed Percy quickly. The look on her face made Percy almost wish she hadn't.

"Percy!" she hollered. "Help me find those stupid Stoll brothers!"

Percy reached her side. "So you can castrate them? I don't think so."

He grabbed her arm and dried her off. He kept his grip on her, so she wouldn't go running off and attack someone. "It'd be hard for them to fight if you did that," Percy explained.

Unfortunately, his logic didn't penetrate Thalia's anger.

"Then I'll just break their legs," Thalia snarled back.

Percy raised an eyebrow. "They can't fight with broken legs, either," he reminded the huntress calmly.

"Then I'll just break one leg," she bargained.

Percy sighed. "Thalia..."

"What if I just fracture—"


"But I didn't even finish."

"You can't fracture anything, Thalia."

She pouted.

Percy leaned to the side to dodge a projectile. He sensed the water in it, so he knew it was harmless and didn't bother pulling Thalia out of the way.

Big mistake.

The water balloon splattered against Thalia, drenching the shirt Percy just dried.

"Whoops," Percy muttered.

Laughter rang from the trees behind them.

"Sorry, Perce," came the amused call. Two browns head poked out the brush with identical schist-eating grins.

The brothers yelped and ducked when one arrow flew by their heads and another stuck, quivering, into the tree trunk beside them.

Percy groaned and glanced back to see half of the huntresses holding bows with annoyed scowls. They didn't seem to find the prank very funny.

The god tightened his grip when Thalia tried to yank out of it. "Come on, Thals," he muttered, as he dried her yet again. "We need them, remember? No killing, please."

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