Two Green-Eyed Gods of Sass

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"And who the Hades are you?"

Loki stared at him for a minute, feeling a little admiration for the boy. Even in this state, he still had a spark in his eye, albeit a dim one. Loki had a feeling that, given the chance, this god would stand up and fight. And that was exactly what he needed.

"I am Loki, prince of Asgard."

Shock rippled across Perse—no, Percy's face.

Percy blinked, surprised. Asgard. Thor had mentioned it before, but Percy had been a little distracted at the time. But now that he thought about it, he had heard that name before. He knew from certain discussion with a few gods (that did not happen, in case anyone decided to ask) that there were other pantheons besides the Greeks and Romans. Egyptian, for example. In fact, he had even come across two intriguing siblings who were involved with the Egyptian gods.

A story for another time, perhaps.

But he also knew of the Norse pantheon, though only a little. He knew enough, however, to recognize the name of Asgard. He stared at the man, no Norse god, before him.

Percy slumped against the wall. "Of course you are," he muttered. His first thought was that this was another mind trick from Tartarus. But this was too far-fetched for even him. Percy coughed and squinted at him. "Did Thor send you?"

Loki nodded, internally stiffening at being called his brother's lapdog. "Yes. He, along with your little mortal friends, requested that I help you. You have been unconscious for several days." Percy didn't look very surprised. "So I entered your mind with my seiðr—my magic," he specified when Percy opened his mouth.

"Huh," Percy said. He cleared his throat. "So... are you gonna help me?" Percy jangled his chain, a look of pure curiosity on his face. He felt a sudden surge of hope rush through him, but he quickly shoved it down.

Hope was a dangerous thing.

Loki watched the god carefully before crouching next to Percy's hands. "I'll see what I can do."

He ran his hands over the chains. The prince stayed quiet, thinking.

"So, not to pry or anything but you're a god, right?" He paused slightly but got no response or indication that the god had even heard him.

Percy plunged ahead anyway, a habit that had gotten him in trouble with many a god. "What exactly are you the god of?" Percy asked, shifting.

The silence was already boring him. He started singing the ABCs backwards in his head, a task that actually required much skill (or, in Percy's case, a lot of practice).

Loki stayed silent a moment longer before meeting his eyes and smirking. "I am the trickster god of lies, mischief, and mayhem."

He decided not to mention that he was also a Jötunn. He never mentioned that little fact.

"Huh," Percy repeated, stumbling in his backwards recitation of the alphabet. What's before Q?

"That's certainly... interesting." To put it mildly, Percy added in his head.

"Interesting is one word for it, I suppose," Loki muttered.

P! P was before Q.

The trickster analyzed the rusted lock before him. Loki closed his eyes and murmured a spell under his breath. A click signified his success.

A grunt escaped Percy as his arms dropped to his sides like dead weights. He grimaced, quickly realizing he couldn't even lift them. Loki touched his shoulder.

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