A Nightmare On Demigod Street

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Thor walked into the living room to see the Avengers gathered together around one of the tan sofas. They turned as one and looked at him.

"Thor, what the hell?" Tony asked, looking angry. "I understand that you somehow know him—maybe you're friends or something—but hiding that from us?"

Natasha eyed the man quietly. "Did you know, Thor?"

Thor pressed his lips together, troubled. "I was not aware of the extreme extent."

"What happened to him?"

Thor hesitated.

"And don't give us that s*** about how you can't tell us."

Steve didn't even bother to tell Tony to watch his language.

Thor frowned. "It is not that I do not want to tell you. I do respect Perseus' privacy, but I would tell you if that was the only problem. However, there are certain... people that make speaking," Thor hesitated, "problematic, to the say the least."

Clint stared at him in disbelief. "You're scared of a few Midgardians?"

"I am not scared. Just cautious."

A raised eyebrow. "Cautious enough to answer to mere humans?"

Thor looked offended. "I answer to no one but the Allfather and Allmother. But I would need permission to divulge their secrets. I have no desire to start a war."

"But why are you scared of humans—"

"Not humans."

Everyone stared at him.

Thor exhaled through clenched teeth, exasperated. "I've said too much."

A scream pierced the air.

Everyone reacted instantaneously. Tony pressed a button on his watch, and one of his blasters flew in and attached to his outstretched hand. Thor raised his own hand, and his hammer burst in from the door. It smashed through the couch in front of Thor and slammed into his hand.

Tony turned and scowled. "You couldn't have just," he did a 'scoot over' motion, "moved over a foot before calling your magic hammer?"

Thor ignored him and moved towards the area where the scream had come from.

Tony blew out an annoyed breath. "JARVIS, is there anyone else in the building?"

There are no other heat signatures or unauthorized personnel in this part of the building, sir.

Another scream echoed through the hallway.

Steve frowned, his arm tingling for his shield. "Isn't that near Percy's room?"

Mr. Stark, I believe I should inform you that Mr. Jackson's vitals are escalating.

"Maybe start with that next time, JARVIS," Tony muttered, as they took of running to the boy's room.

Tony glanced over as they skidded around a corner and blinked at the two spies. "Where did those even come from?"

The billionaire's mumbled question, about the gun in Natasha's hand and the knife in Clint's (even though both were in civilian clothes), was disregarded once they reached the door.

Thor gripped the door handle and shoulder-slammed the door. It splintered under the Asgardian's superstrength. Tony looked at the demolished door and crushed doorknob silently as another scream came from the room. Even he knew better than to make a joke about Thor's destructive tendencies at a time like this.

Though, would it have really killed him to just unlock the door? Tony thought sourly. Money doesn't grow on trees. It's just made from trees. There's a big difference.

The heroes stepped into the room, warily looking for intruders. Thankfully, there seemed to be none. Thor ran over to the bed where Percy was screaming his head off.

"Perseus!" Thor shouted, trying to calm the thrashing boy.

The lights flickered on, and everyone gasped in horror.

A little short... don't forget to vote/comment if you like it!

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