Death Is But the Next Great Adventure

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The title is a quote from Albus Dumbledore in The Philosopher's Stone.

Loki, dear.

The soft, lilting, feminine voice slowly stirred him from his peaceful slumber. He struggled to open his eyes.


Yes, Loki. It's been awhile, hasn't it?

You—you're dead.

A gentle chuckle echoed in his mind. Yes, I am. I appreciate you pointing out the obvious, darling. But when has death ever stopped us royals?

Pressure lifted off his chest at the sound of her beautiful laughter. Was that a jab at me, Mother?

Whatsoever are you talking about, my sweet? I would never. The amusement in her voice contradicted her words. Loki could almost see her—beautiful golden hair waving in the breeze, warm cerulean eyes alight with laughter.

A mix between a sob and a laugh shook his chest. I've missed you, Mother.

As have I, you. Her tone turned serious. Loki, darling, you must get up. You still have much to do.

I'm tired, Mother. So, so tired.

I know, sweetheart. I know. But there are still people who need you.

Confusion crept through his mind. Need him? He was a villain. No one needs a villain. Mother—

Do you doubt me, boy? She questioned back, tone sharp. I was raised by witches. Come now child, you know I see with more than eyes.

But Mother—

Wake up, child. His mother's voice drifted out, merging with multiple gravelly voices. Your time is not yet up.

Loki's eyes opened of their own volition. Blankness greeted him. He blinked again. When his eyes focused, he resisted the urge to jump. Three old—and when Loki said old, he meant old—ladies stared back at him.

All the blood drained from his face.

"Nornir," he whispered.


"They're retreating," Nico commented to Thalia.

"Yeah," she panted back. Her clothes were ripped beyond repair, her bow had been snapped in half by a giant, and she'd lost so much blood that she couldn't tell if the skeletons dancing behind Nico were real or her brain's bizarre invention, but she'd never felt more alive.

The coms crackled to life. Steve's voice resounded in their ears. Everyone inside the building. We don't know if this is over yet.

Nico and Thalia exchanged looks. "There may be a second wave," Nico murmured.

"Hunters!" Thalia called, nodding sharply at the son of Hades. "Regroup in the building!"

Nico ran a tired hand through his sweaty hair. He'd had a close call with a harpy, but physically, he wasn't doing too bad. He'd probably sleep for a month after this was over, though. "They actually did it."

Thalia grinned, blood staining her pearly-white teeth. She may have been a mostly-immortal, half-god monster hunter, but that didn't mean she could slack on oral hygiene. "What? You doubted the Percy Jackson?"

Nico's lips twitched. "Right, right. My bad. I should never doubt the Percy Jackson."


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