The Big Three Together Again

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After Percy recovered from what he lovingly referred to as 'the crotch incident,' he gave Thalia the whole rundown. Needless to say, Thalia was slightly (edit: majorly) annoyed.

The Avengers, on the other hand, were still confused.

Thalia sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose. "You're a freaking trouble magnet, Percy," Thalia muttered from her seat on the couch.

Percy let out an unamused grunt. "I'm quite aware."

Thalia leaned forward, resting her elbows on her legs. She looked toward the Avengers and sighed. "I guess I should introduce myself, huh?"

"I'm Thalia," she said, noticeably ignoring her last name. Her nose wrinkled. "Daughter of Zeus, the Almighty King of the Gods." Sarcasm laced her voice with each word. "And Drama King," she muttered under her breath.

The Avengers nodded, keeping their shock to themselves. They introduced themselves one by one. Percy only had to tell Tony to shut up twice, which he felt was progress.

Bruce leaned forward. "I only remember a little of Greek mythology, but aren't all three of your parents pretty important?"

The three demigods exchanged looks. "They are actually," Thalia grimaced, leaning back.

"We call them 'The Big Three,'" Nico explained with a gesture of his hand.
Percy clasp his hands together. "Technically, none of us were supposed to be born. We're mistakes." Percy's voice had gone flat and hard. He cocked his head.
"Though, Nico was actually born before the pact, so he doesn't really count," he added as an afterthought.

"Mistake?" Steve blinked.

"Pact?" Clint asked.

Thor sent a questioning look to the demigods and, at Percy's nod, he explained. "Demigod offspring of 'The Big Three' have been an integral part of mortal history. One of the reasons--" At this he paused, rummaging his mind for the name. "--World War II was so terrible for humans was because their offspring fought each other, causing many casualties. The gods deemed their demigod offspring too powerful and formed a pact, swearing an oath to not have any more half-blood children." Thor paused, his eyes flickering over to the three teenagers. "The Oracle had given a prophecy." Another pause. "The First Great Prophecy."
The Avengers exchanged looks at Thor's ominous tone and glanced toward the teenagers. The demigods grimaced, suddenly finding their shoes or the back wall very interesting.
"Long story short, Zeus and Poseidon both broke their oaths." His gaze settled on Thalia and Percy before shifting over to Nico. "Hades, however, did not. Nico was born before the pact."
Surprise rippled through the Avengers. It might have been hard to tell if Thalia was older than Nico, but Nico was obviously younger than Percy. Tony waved his hand. "Wait, wait. Back up. What?"
Thor waved away the question like he was swatting a fly. Percy frowned and scratched his head. He actually could've swatted a person just as easily. "That does not matter now. But both gods broke their pact through these two." He tilted his head at Percy and Thalia.

"Hence the 'mistake' part." Steve reasoned.

Thor nodded, his blue eyes grave. The Avengers frowned, disturbed by the gods' blatant disregard for their children. Natasha leaned forward. "So all of you are powerful."

Too powerful her eyes said. Dangerous.

The unspoken word echoed through the room.

Percy sighed inwardly. Of course, the infamous black widow would catch that. Thalia went rigid. "Yes, we are powerful." Her voice was rock hard. "And dangerous." Her voice sharpened, a knife aimed for the kill. "The same as all of you."

A blink was the only sign of emotion from the assassin. The other Avengers stiffened at the barb hidden beneath her words. Thalia only raised her eyebrow, daring any to contradict her. While she did not hate the Avengers, far from it in fact, she did not approve of the way they handled the alien invasion. It could have ended in far fewer casualties and less destruction if they had handled the matter more delicately instead of charging straight into the fray unprepared.

Clint watched the daughter of Zeus for a few seconds before grinning. "I think we could have been friends in a different life." Thalia's sharp voice and hot temper reminded him of someone. His eyes strayed over to Natasha.

Thalia's face was unreadable. An unconvinced little "Mmm" drifted from her lips.

Percy let out a sigh he didn't know he was holding. Thalia could be a little... intimidating, especially around males.

Thalia stood swiftly. "I need to get back to the Hunt." She looked towards Nico. "You shouldn't stay too long either."

Nico nodded in understanding and stood. Both of them had already been here to long. Three children of 'The Big Three' attracted monsters like a bright light attracted a mosquito. And it could be just as deadly. Thalia nodded to Nico and Percy. She turned towards the Avengers. A slight tilt of her head was their only acknowledgement. She strode towards the elevator.

Percy frowned, a chill creeping through his body. Thalia stopped. Nico stiffened. They exchanged looks.

"Speak of the devil," Thalia murmured.

All Hades broke loose.

Sorry for the short chapter. Don't forget to like and comment!

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