Death Breath and the Doors of Death

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A pained grunt distracted him from his internal curses. Percy spun around, just in time to see the shadows finish spitting out a bloody Nico.

"Percy!" Nico gasped out, falling forward.

Percy lunged forward, catching the injured son of Hades before he hit the floor.

"I've got you. I've got you," Percy muttered to Nico. He adjusted his grip on the limp demigod before turning to the panicked Avengers.

"Is the ambrosia and nectar that you used on me still in the medic room?" Percy questioned, as he shifted Nico fully into his arms.

Bruce nodded. Nico and Thalia had explained both to him when they used them on the injured Percy.

Percy stood, tightening his grip on his cousin, before spinning around. The Avengers fell in step behind him as he brushed passed them, heading toward the elevator. Percy took a breath and pressed the button. He hesitated slightly, before entering the death trap.

He couldn't risk jostling Nico on the stairs, not to mention taking the stairs was a whole lot slower than riding in the elevator.

He could do this. For Nico.

The Avengers climbed in after him, and Clint pressed the button. Everyone stayed quiet. They were desperate to ask questions, but they realized that Percy knew little more than they did, so they stayed quiet.

Percy closed his eyes, taking deep, steadying breaths. He blocked out the scraping and screeching of the elevator, along with Nico's incomprehensible mutterings. He couldn't risk a flashback now.


He was okay. He was safe.


He wasn't there. He wasn't--





Percy's breath caught in his chest before speeding up. Percy started to hyperventilate. Spots danced behind his eyes in the darkness.

He couldn't do this. He wasn't going to get out this time. He was going to die. He was

Percy jumped, eyes flying open, as a hand landing on his shoulder. He turned slightly. Natasha, the ever-observant spy, sent him a small but understanding smile. She squeezed his shoulder softly, before letting her hand drop from his shoulder and returning her eyes to the front.

Right. He could do this. He was among friends. Good people who cared about him. He resumed his breathing, eyes up front.


Safe. He was safe with them.


He wasn't alone anymore.


He didn't feel the jerk of the elevator stopping, and the beep almost made him jump out of his skin (for the second time in as many seconds). The metal doors slid open—

It's not the Doors of Death. He wasn't alone. He was safe. He wasn't there.

—and they all piled out. Percy let out an audible sigh, feeling most of the tension seep out of his body.

They quickly headed to the med bay. Percy stumbled slightly, tiredness washing over him. The feeling vanished in an instant, leaving the teen confused and a little weary. Steve glanced over with a questioning look, already half-extending his arms to take Nico.

Percy shook his head. "I'm fine," he insisted softly. Steve frowned but nodded, dropping back as Thor opened the door for Percy. Striding over to the nearest bed, the green-eyed teen gently deposited the injured half-blood on its soft white surface.

Percy turned around. "Bruce—" he started, before pausing as he realized the doctor was already handing him the vital plastic baggie and mini jug with a small, sad smile.

"Thanks," Percy murmured, already popping the top off the container. He set down the bag, and leaned over Nico. The teenage god propped Nico's head, tilting the head of the jug into his bloodied lips.

"C'mon, Neeks," Percy pleaded softly. "Swallow for me, Death Breath."

The teenager moaned before greedily swallowing the godly liquid, his Adam's apple bobbing rapidly. Percy's eyes widened. "Woah, woah, woah, woah." Percy jerked the container back, effectively cutting off Nico's supply of nectar. "Not too much, Neeks." Percy patted his shoulder sympathetically before picking up the baggie. "Wouldn't want you to blow up, now would we?" Percy chuckled without much enthusiasm.

A sound came from behind him—something between a choke and a cough—but Percy ignored it.

The son of the sea god opened the bag, taking out a square of ambrosia and breaking a piece off. His hand trembled, and he was forced to put his hands on the bed to steady himself as black spots exploded in his vision. If the bed hadn't been holding him up, he would have collapsed.

What the Hades?

He rubbed his temple as the feeling went away.

Worry later. Nico now.

With that mantra in mind, he force-fed his cousin in small bites, making sure Nico swallowed each bit.

Percy heard whispering behind him (and a question from Clint that sounded suspiciously like "Is that a brownie?" and Tony's statement: "Ooh, I want one," which were both quickly followed by Bruce and Thor's reprimands), but he once again ignored them.

Nico relaxed against him, exhaling softly. Percy gently set his head down and stepped back.

A cough sounded behind him, prompting him to turn to the others with a raised eyebrow. "Shouldn't we stop the bleeding?" Bruce paused. "Or at least dress his wounds." The others nodded in agreement. Thor just watched with a frown.

Percy cocked his head to the side before shaking his head and turning back to Nico. They exchanged glances, frowning.

"There's no need." The Avengers jumped. They hadn't thought Percy was going to answer.

Percy turned back to them. "Most of his wounds are superficial." He had already examined Nico when he had fed him the ambrosia. "It's mostly just some cuts and bruises. Though from the way he hissed when I picked him up, he may have a couple of cracked ribs as well. I don't think they're broken, though, so they'll heal fine as is. And the nectar and ambrosia will heal all his other wounds fairly quickly."

Percy ran his hand through his hair thoughtfully. "I don't see any sign of poison or anything like that, so he's probably just exhausted from using his powers. Shadow traveling drains a lot out of him, not to mention all the energy he probably spent in the Underworld. With a couple days of rest and a little food, he'll be good as new."

At least... as good as a demigod can be.

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