~~Scars to Your Beautiful~~

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Title from the song "Scars to Your Beautiful" by Alessia Cara.

Bruce sighed as he exited the room. He shut the door softly. Percy's answers had become more and more alarming the more Bruce questioned him. He'd started by confirming the diagnoses Percy already had—dyslexia and ADHD. But after that, everything had gone downhill.

"Okay, so I'm no doctor or anything—" Tony started.

"Yeah, we know," Clint interrupted, just as Steve said, "Obviously."

"But those answers couldn't have been normal," Tony continued with a huff.

Bruce frowned. "No, they're not." The doctor sighed. "He seems to be suffering from PTSD." He met their eyes gravely. "Severe PTSD."

Murmurs echoed in the room.

Natasha's eyes flickered to Thor, who didn't look surprised. "Thor, what do you know?"

He hesitated. "It is not my place to say," he finally responded.

Clint frowned. "Thor, he's a suspected criminal. We need to know what were dealing with.

Thor exhaled slowly. "Even I do not know the full story. All I will say is that he is as much of a hero as all of you."

The Avengers exchanged confused looks. "Thats not very helpful, Point Break."

Bruce pushed up his glasses with a sigh. "Okay, well we still need to do his physical."

The doctor went back in the room and exited a few seconds later with Percy.

"—is on the third floor," Bruce was explaining as he led Percy out.

Percy nodded, eyes flickering warily to the others. "Can I take the stairs?"

"Why?" Tony asked. "Scared of a little elevator ride?" The billionaire teased.

Percy pressed his lips together so hard they began to turn white.

"I will walk with you, Perseus."

Percy threw Thor a grateful look.

"After all," the god continued, "I need to get my cardio in."

Percy cringed inwardly. He should probably tell Thor what that meant.

...of course, that would ruin the fun.

"I'll come with," Natalie spoke up, deciding to ignore the Asgardian's weird behavior. Thor was normally strange, so Natasha would have been more worried if Thor wasn't being weird.

Percy nodded again, hiding his unease. The unusual trio walked to the stairs and down to the third floor in awkward silence.

They exited the stairwell, and the two led him to Bruce's lab. It had a bunch of regular doctor stuff, as well as fancy glow-y things and other stuff Percy wasn't gonna even try to describe.

Percy wasn't as surprised as he should have been to see all of the Avengers gathered there. They seemed to follow him around like lost puppies.

Tony looked at Percy's raised eyebrow and shrugged. "Don't think you're special or anything, kid. I just have nothing better to do."

Steve turned to Tony. "Didn't you just say you were supposed to be in a board meeting with Pepper?"

"And don't have, like, an entire enterprise to run or something?" Clint asked, amused.

Tony shrugged, unbothered. "Exactly. Nothing better to do."

Bruce shook his head and motioned Percy to an examination table. Percy sat down and looked at the doctor expectantly. Bruce first checked his vitals, which were normal for the most part. He checked his head, eyes, ears, nose and throat quickly, as well as Percy's motor functions and reflexes. Bruce pulled out a clipboard and confirmed Percy's identity.

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