Guinea Pigs, Power Naps, Sticks, Mythomagic, And One Scary Son Of Hades

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"Wait." Tony held his hands out in a hold up gesture. "Percy was turned into a guinea pig by a crazy sorcerer?" The billionaire looked like he was trying hard not to laugh. Most of the other Avengers look pleasantly bemused, including Thor, who may have already heard parts of the story. Even Natasha's eyes had brightened a little.

"Sorceress. But yes." A half-smile played on Nico's lips.

Percy blinked, sighing, as he reentered the living room. "Seriously, di Angelo? You had to tell them about Circe?"

Percy scowled at the amused demigod, who looked like he was having way too much fun with this. Nico turned to the god with an innocent look on his face. "It just came up." He shrugged.

Percy crossed his arms. "Uh-huh. Well I know plenty of embarrassing things about you, too, zombie dude."

Nico grimaced at the familiar nickname. Percy tapped his chin thoughtfully. "Let's see. What were your exact words? 'With great power, comes great need to take a nap.'" Nico frowned irately at the sea son. "And that's not even mentioning your obsession with Mythomagic cards when you were younger. It was very... cute."

Hades' son was now full-out glowering at him. Percy repressed a shudder at what was now becoming a familiar look from Nico. That kid could glare with the best of 'em.

Percy decided not to mention the younger Nico's crush on him. Despite what some people may think (okay so maybe most people), Percy was not stupid. At least... not entirely. He knew that tidbit of information was too personal, and he had no real desire to cause the half-blood any actual embarrassment.

Plus—and Percy was not too proud to admit this, even now as a god—the goth teen scared the schist out of him.

And, of course, Percy quite liked his limbs, particularly the fact that they were attached to his body.

Steve raised his hand like the polite 27-going-on-93-year-old he was. "What's Mythomagic?"

Tony, much like the impatient, spoiled heathen he was, swatted the soldier's question away like yesterday's trash. "Forget that, Capsicle. I wanna know about the great power, great nap thing." Clint nodded in agreement, even going so far as to add a 'hear, hear' in assent.

Steve heaved a long-suffering sigh, obviously used to the former playboy's antics, and leaned back in his chair with his arms crossed.

Percy ignored the billionaire and his little sidekick and turned to Steve. "It's basically a collectible kid's game about mythology."

Tony grumbled under his breath. Percy rolled his eyes before deciding to soothe the tycoon's hurt ego. "I'll answer your question, too, you big baby." Percy mumbled the last part, but from Steve's snort of laughter and subsequent cough, the super soldier heard it.

I wonder if his ears are super as well. His muscles certainly are. Wait, don't ears technically have muscles? Maybe he does have advanced hearing. Perhaps I shou—

Tony coughed impatiently. Percy quickly disregarded his derailed train of thought and pondered where to begin his story.

"Hmm. Well it basically started when Neeks over here betrayed me and turned me over to his dad. Which was very rude by the way." Percy's side comment didn't seem to effect Nico much. "Hades wanted Nico to fulfill the prophecy—I assume Nico told all of you about that—"

At the nods of assent, Percy continued, " Hades decided to lock me up. Nico realized what an amazing, incredible person I am," Percy ignored Nico's snort, "and came to his senses and rescued me. Every time we passed a skeleton guard—dull creatures by the way; I wouldn't recommend trying to hold a conversation with them—Nico did his mumble jumble son of Hades voodoo magic," Percy again ignored Nico and his huff of indignation, "and put them to sleep. Unfortunately, whenever he did that, he grew weaker and weaker until I was basically dragging him."

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