Shawarma, Nukes, and Aliens... Not Necessarily In That Order

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The boy turned to him, wincing at the sudden clamor from the Avengers and his cousin, and smiled tiredly at him. "Well, that was certainly... different."

Loki just grunted, an unamused look on his face. In one swift motion, he was up and out the tank door.

Percy scowled at the god's retreating backside. Rude. He could've at least helped me up. He sighed. I guess saving me from literal hell is good enough, though.

"Percy!" The Avengers rushed inside, Tony front and center (no surprise there). Nico slipped in behind them.

"How're you feeling? Are you okay? Do you need anything? Let me help you up!" The superheroes' yelling mixed together. Tony and Clint hauled him up, Bruce a half-step behind them.

"I'm fine." He coughed. "Though a dozen blue cookies would be good right about now." This elicited puzzled chuckles. Percy hadn't actually explained his obsession with blue food, since hed been so rudely interrupted by Nico the first time.

"Right." Steve exhaled, turning to the door. Natasha led the way out. "Let's get you to the med bay, okay?"


Percy yawned, shifting on the pleasant cotton bed. He'd just had his best sleep in months. Of course, it probably had to do with his exhaustion. And he wasn't just talking about his time with Tartarus. The Avengers' questions and fussiness had sapped all of his remaining energy.

Percy sat up, or at least he tried to. His body screamed in protest. He slumped back onto the cushy white pillows. It wasn't like he needed to get up anyway. He didn't need to pee or anything.

Nope. Not one little bit. As long as he didn't think of water, quite ironic considering he was the son of Poseidon, he'd be fine. Percy yawned and closed his eyes, turning on his side. He'd just go back to sleep and not think of cool, refreshing water touching his parched mouth and running down his throa—

His eyes shot open.

Oh, to Hades with this. His bladder was about to ex-plode.

He quickly sprung out of bed but immediately regretted his decision. His legs almost collapsed from under him, and the cold air nipped at his bare skin. He steadied himself on the side of the bed, pain shooting up his body. He hauled his body to the adjacent bathroom, supporting his weight on various fixed objects along the way. After what felt like ages—but was probably only a minute or so—he reached the bathroom door.

Percy exhaled as he reentered the med bay and shut the restroom door. He felt much better. Well, at least his bladder felt better. The rest of his body... not so much. He debated leaving the room but decided against it. He was just too tired. He stumbled back to his bed, and, after relieving his dry throat with the glass of water sitting on his bedside table, he drifted off to sleep.


Percy turned over, smushing his face against the fluffy pillow. He was still pretty tired.

Maybe I'll lay here for a little while. His yawn was muffled by the cushion. Just for five more minutes—


Or not.

Percy sighed into his pillow. He turned back over and opened his eyes. Bruce blinked back at him, frozen, papers dangling from his hand.

Percy stifled another yawn. "Hey, Brucie. Long time no see." He paused thoughtfully. "Actually, how long has it been?"

The god was getting quite annoyed with the amount of time he was spending unconscious. It was starting to become an exasperating routine of his. And it definitely couldn't be good for his brain. Of course, it would be hard to tell if he had brain damage, considering the number of times he'd hurt himself or done stupid stuff.

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