A/N: My Other Works... Not An Update

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So... not an update. Sorry ):

Author's Note:
I've gotten so many comments from all of you. I'm glad you liked my first finished work! Thank you all for sticking with me.

If you want more of my writing, I have another Percy and Avengers fanfic (everyone is alive in this one!!!!!) and I just started a Loki x OC book (with the Avengers too). Join me on more adventures!

Keep reading for sneak peeks of each...

Percy Jackson's Avenger Adventure:

Percy was done playing the good guy. He clenched his jaw. This demigod had had enough. Percy normally had a pretty good temperament—unlike his father Poseidon, whose emotions could change just as fast as the oceans he commanded. But when Percy got angry, like really really angry, well, hell hath no fury like an enraged son of Poseidon. He'd already tried breathing and telling himself It's okay. Everything's fine. I can deal with one measly little—

Nope. Hades no.

Percy Jackson was finished acting nice.

"Leo Valdez!"
The door swung open, a woman in a light blue shirt and pants half-turned inside.

"—get it, Pa—"

She turned and stopped, staring at the open-mouthed teen with one arm raised. Percy blinked. The woman known as Sally Blofis—a.k.a his wonderful (apparently pregnant) mother—met his eyes.



Live, Love, Lies:

Loki Laufeyson decided he still despised the Avengers with every fiber of his seiðr-filled being.

He hated how the Captain was so selfless and gallant.

He hated how the Hawk was so weak and caring.

He hated how the Widow was so driven and focused.

He hated how the man-monster, with all its indominable strength, was such a bleeding heart.

He hated how his adopted brother was so boorish and loud.

But most of all, he hated how the Man of Iron was so obnoxious.

"I'm just saying, if Rock of Ages was such a good magician, he would have just teleported all of us out of there before the building fell on top of us."
Talia Marie Alinac did not think her day would involve being drugged, kidnapped, and interrogated by a super-secret spy organization, being introduced to superheroes, or being threatened by a god.

Shows what she knew.

"If you're going to kidnap me before supper," she groaned dramatically to the wall, "then at least feed me." She scoffed. "Kidnappers are terrible hosts. No common courtesy at all."
"Careful, trickster," she warned in a low voice. Call her crazy, but she was much more comfortable fighting Loki than trying to talk to him. Fighting was instinctual. There was no time for useless things like nerves or anxiety or hesitation.

One moment she was holding her knife to Loki's throat, and the next, he was behind her with a hand over her mouth. A jolt of adrenaline, almost like being splashed with cold water, raced through her taut body.

His breath tickled her ear, sending shivers down her neck. "It seems you're more than just a healer, little one," he whispered in her ear.
Lia had a bad feeling she'd just bitten off more than she could chew.

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