A Mind Chat With Aquaman... Err...Aquagod

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Percy? His dad's familiar voice resonated in his head, making Percy almost weep.

Dad, hey! I didn't think you'd answer.

Yeah, sorry about that, son. If you were still just a demigod, you wouldn't have gotten through, but now that you're a god, it just takes a little concentration.

So you do know about that. Percy's tone was flat.

...yes. I'm sorry Percy. I really am. I know this must be hard but—

Hard? Percys voice hardened quickly, a spike of anger spearing through him. Hard is going through Hell.  Hard holding your dying girlfriend in your arms. His voice steadily rose. Hard is watching all your other friends die in front of you. Hard is going home looking for comfort and only finding more blood. More pain. No, this is not hard. This, at this Percy's voice broke, this is impossible.

Poseidon stayed silent, but Percy could feel his fathers comforting presence still in his head. Percy felt his anger drain away, leaving him weak and numb.

I'm not going to apologize for that. The young god's tone was soft.

The sea god was silence once more, but Percy could feel his father's comforting presence still in his head.

Dad, what's going on? Percy pleaded softly.

Poseidon hesitated for a moment, his uncertainty leaking through their tenuous bond. ...Percy

No. Percy's voice was hard and unyielding. You do not get to do this. Not again. I will not be a pawn in the god's games. I deserve to know what's going on. The new god's tone softened. I think I've earned that much.

The god of earthquakes wavered momentarily. The Fates showed Apollo a glimpse of the future. Poseidon blurted out in a rush. A future where you had to be a god. He paused. And defeat...Tartarus.

Zeus became paranoid and called all of us back to Olympus. Percy, if you fail—if Tartarus rises onto the living plane—Zeus plans on abandoning the mortals. The easy-going deity stumbled slightly. And our children.

Anger welled up inside Percy, reigniting his numb feelings. Of course, the callous sky god would abandon innocents to protect his own throne and power. Percy ground his teeth. One day, the king of the gods would get what's coming to him.

Percy blew out a breath, calming his bubbling rage. Is there anything else you can tell me? Anything at all?

No answer came from the sea god.

How do I stop Ta-Tartarus? Percy stumbled over the reviled primordial's name.


Why didn't the Fates tell me my domains? Or my powers? Percy tried again, but to no avail.

Dad! You have to give me something!

Poseidon hesitated for so long that Percy thought he wasn't going to answer. Your battle with Tartarus will not be like your previous fights.


And there will be no other demigods to assist you in your endeavor.

Goodbye, son. Poseidon faltered. I know it may be hard to tell, but I really do love you, Percy. With that, his father severed their connection.

Percy blinked. What the Hades?

What kind of answer is that?! Percy shouted into the void of his mind, knowing he would not receive an answer.

Percy opened his eyes and slumped against the drawers. Poseidon's answers—if one could even call those cryptic statements answers—just left him more confused than before. Percy didn't want to fight in another war. But from what his father said, it seemed this would be less of a war and more of a one-man battle.

Percy sighed. At least he could take comfort in the fact that the other demigods at Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter would not be drawn into further pointless combat and bloodshed. They had had enough of that to last two lifetimes. Of course, this was all assuming Percy managed to beat the primordial of the abyss. Which, in hindsight, seemed very unlikely.

Percy grabbed the counter and stood up, stumbling slightly before finding his footing. His conversation with Poseidon seemed to have left him weak, a lot weaker than what Percy had expected. Percy shook his head, before focusing on something that had been bothering him ever since the sea god disconnected.

His father's goodbye had sounded awfully... final.

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