Vampires, Zombie Apocalypses, And Crazy Snake Villians

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Percy wanted to Avada Kedavra Loki.

"Are you stupid?" Loki questioned, annoyed. "It says ek summon þú, not ek salmon þú."

While he was at it, he wanted to cast Incendio on the stupid Asgardian magic books, too.

"That's what I said," Percy groaned out, resisting the urge to bang his head against the wall.

It turned out that while being a god did let him understand most languages, he couldn't exactly pronounce everything correctly.

"No, you pronounced the ā sound instead of the æ sou—never mind; forget it. You obviously do not have an aptitude for seiðr spells."

Percy nodded gloomily.

When Loki had told him they'd be doing spells, Percy couldnt help but envision a Harry Potter-like experience. Unfortunately, it was nothing like that. There were no flying broomsticks or talking hats or wand-waving or crazy, nose-less villains.

...okay, so maybe Percy didn't really want that last one.

But that was beside the point.

Loki wasn't a bad teacher, per say. He was just very impatient. Percy had started a tally of the numbers of times Loki had called him names. 'Stupid' was first at 24, with 'idiot' a close second (at 19) and 'moron' and 'imbecile' tied at 5.

"You're just like Thor," Loki started, lip curling up in distain at the thought. "An oaf who values brawn over brains."

Ah, Percy got to start another word—oaf.

Percy scowled. "Just because I'm not as smart as you, doesn't give you the right to call me names." He huffed. He'd had enough of that in school.

Percy felt a flicker of sadness in his heart.

At some points, Loki reminded him of Annabeth. Annabeth hadn't been as callous as Loki, but they had many similar characteristics.

"Yo, Perce," Clint's voice echoed through the door, punctuated by his banging on the wood. "You still alive in there?"

Percy sighed and hollered back through the door. "Yeah, Katniss. Loki hasn't killed me since the last ten minutes you asked."

The spy huffed in reply. "Don't get smart with me, kid. And Loki, we're watching you!"

Percy could just imagine Clint doing the 'I'm watching you' gesture to the door. The sound of footsteps slowly faded away.

Percy turned back to Loki, who was making an irritated face that Percy was sure was mirrored on his own face. "They're so overprotective," Percy muttered.

The rest of the Avengers had, unfortunately, found out about Percy and Loki's lessons. Thor had accidently let it slip in a group conversation, no shocker there. Needless to say, they hadn't happy.

Tony and Clint had kicked up quite a fuss. Bruce had stayed quiet, smartly deciding not to tell the two angry heroes that he'd already known. Natasha had stayed silent as well, which had led Percy to believe that Bruce had been right—she'd already known. Steve had been less vocal in expressing his disapproval, but he'd definitely sided with Tony and Clint.

However, the super soldier had been the easiest to rope onto Percy's side. Clint and Tony had grudgingly agreed, after much arguing and back-and-forth between them (Percy had made the very good point—in his opinion—that the only reason Loki was still here was to help Percy).

The two had had their conditions, though.

The men said they wanted to be able to check on Percy and Loki frequently, which meant every three seconds in their minds. Percy was supposed to leave the door open—it was like they thought he and Loki were hormonal teenagers or something—but that rule had quickly evaporated after Loki had slammed the door shut when he was interrupted four times in under fifteen minutes, yelling something in Old Norse that was definitely not 'Thanks for your great hospitality and letting me stay here!'

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