Blackjack With a Side of Aliens And Avengers--Percy Placed His Bet On Avengers

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"Fine," Percy said to the superhero-god. He blew out a breath and forced a grin. "Take me to your leader."

After Thor's indignation and repeated insistence that he was not ruled by a mortal, the god left Percy. Percy had refused to let the god fly him. And Percy couldn't get the image out of his head of the giant, caped god riding in the backseat of a yellow taxicab, Imagine Dragon's "Thunder" playing in the background.

Not that he was taking a taxi.

Percy whistled sharply and waited. Thor had told him to head to the Avengers Tower—what had previously been called Stark Tower. Percy had told him of his mode of transport, and Thor had promised him that he would make sure no one was on the rooftop (and that the cameras were off) when Percy arrived.

A black blob appeared on the horizon, rapidly approaching Percy's location. The winged animal landed in front of him, kicking up another cloud of dust.

Long time, no see boss.

"Don't call me boss," came the automatic muttered reply.

Blackjack just snorted, the burst of air ruffling Percy's raven hair.

"It has been a little while," Percy said softly, running his hair through Blackjack's mane. His sea-green eyes darkened, swirling unreadably.

You okay? Blackjack nipped at his hand affectionately.

"I miss them," Percy whispered, closing his eyes. A tear slid down his cheek. His voice cracked. "I miss them so much."

I know, boss. I know. Blackjack nudged Percy's bowed head with his own. I do, too. The horse snorted. I never get sugar cubes anymore.

Percy chuckled softly. "Yeah, sorry about that. But let me make it up to you." He pulled out a white sugar cube from his pocket.

Did Percy just randomly carry around sugar cubes in his pockets?

Yes. Yes, he did. Deal with it.

Blackjack neighed happily and dipped his head to eat the cube out of Percy's hand. Percy couldn't help but chuckle again and pet the pegasus's stooped head.

Where am I taking you today, boss? You wanna go explore the great pyramids of Egypt? Or the Eiffel Tower in Paris? Oh, I've heard the French female pegasi have the prettiest white coats

"No, were not going to Paris, Blackjack. Or Egypt. I just need a ride to New York."

Percy could've sworn the pegasus was pouting. Apparently, Blackjack had a major case of cabin fever or... stable fever.

Blackjack snorted. New York's boring, he complained. Too close to home. I want to go gallivanting across the skies, saving pretty damsel pegasi in distress.

Percy rolled his eyes. "Well unfortunately for you, I don't plan on going adventuring. I just need to get to Stark—I mean the Avengers—Tower."

Blackjack grumbled a little more in Percy's head but shifted to let the half-blood climb on. With a big swoop of his giant black wings, the two were off.

The skyscrapers quickly came into view, stretching high above the horizon. There was a reason Blackjack was Percy's favorite mode of transportation. And it wasn't because of the pegasus's winning personality.

...okay, so maybe Percy enjoyed Blackjack's ramblings more than he wanted to admit. But that was besides the point.

How'd you manage to get in trouble with the mortal superheroes? Blackjack questioned, sounding a little amazed. I know you have a knack for getting into trouble, but this is impressive, even for you boss.

Shards (A Percy Jackson and Avengers Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now