Epilogue Part Two (of Two)

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IMPORTANT: In this, Hel is Loki's daughter. So just pretend that Thor: Ragnarok 's Hela is a different person.

Percy was going to die. Well, die again.

"Schist, schist, schist!" Percy whisper-yelled. He reached for the burnt toast, and jerked back. "Schist!" He hissed again, cursing inwardly in Greek. He sucked his finger idly. It hadn't really burnt him—perks of being the son of Poseidon—and it wasn't like it really mattered (considering he was, y'know, dead), but it didn't help his already sour mood.

Stay in bed, Percy had told Annabeth. Don't worry about a thing. I've got it covered.

Spoiler Alert: He did not have it covered.

Eggs, bacon, and toast—one of the simplest in-bed breakfasts ever invented. And yet, Percy had managed to royally screw it up. Percy groaned. They had no more bread, and the bacon was expired—which, considering that time didn't really exist here, was a miracle in and of itself.

Okay, Plan B.

Percy closed his eyes and imagined what he wanted. Lightly toasted bread and sizzling bacon appeared next to the two over-easy eggs on the plate. Percy grinned.

He'd never get tired of doing that.

He put the plate, napkin, and utensils on a bed table and brought it upstairs. Percy balanced it on his hand and knocked quietly before opening the door. His beautiful wife smiled at him as she sat up. Her golden blonde hair shimmered in the morning sun, and her t-shirt hung loosely over one shoulder.

"Percy," she greeted tiredly. She yawned into her hand.

"Annabeth." Percy smiled back, and showed her the food. He stayed still for a minute, letting her get a whiff of the food. When she didn't make a run for the bathroom, he approached and set it in her lap. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay." She focused on the food. They didn't actually need to eat, but both of them still occasionally ate out of habit and/or delight (hint: ice cream and blue cookies). "This looks good."

"Well, I certainly hope it tastes go—"

"And it also looks materialized."

Percy stuttered. "Oh, well, I... yeah." He scratched his head and winced, expecting anger. He'd promised her a home-cooked breakfast, and they'd promised each other just yesterday afternoon that they wouldn't rely on materialization too much.

Annabeth laughed, shocking Percy. Her hormones were all over the place, so her moods were just as erratic. "I heard a ton of clanging downstairs and a burning smell, so I know you tried. Plus, unless it's cookies or pancakes, I don't really trust your cooking abilities anyway."

Percy gasped. "You wound me, my dear," he mock cried, adding a British accent for good measure.

Annabeth hummed and rubbed her marginally bulging belly. "Well, I won't risk introducing the little one to your cooking just yet anyway."

Percy smiled. He placed his larger hand over hers on her stomach. "I'd never do anything to harm him."

"Or her," Annabeth added with a raised eyebrow. She was adamant, with some super-mother sense, that their child was a girl. Percy wasn't so sure, but he didn't have a preference.

He was going to be a dad! Percy still couldn't believe you could have a baby in Elysium. Not that he was complaining.

"Or her," Percy acknowledged, smiling.

He leaned down to Annabeth. Annabeth tilted her head up, eyes alit. Their breaths mingled, lips a hairsbreadth away—

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Percy groaned, slumping over, as his forehead hit the pillow next to Annabeth's head. "I swear, if that's Jason or Leo, I'm gonna kill them."

Her breath tickled his ear when she chuckled. "I warned them not to prank you, but they didn't listen."

"And they sure regretted it." Percy sighed and shifted off her, already missing the lack of warmth. "I'll go get it."

He left the room and walked down the stairs. Perhaps it was Nico at the door. He showed up every once in a while to update them and visit. Percy smiled. That scrawny boy had really grown into a fine young man.

Percy paused at the bottom of the stairs. Nico hadn't visited in a while. Of course, time was convoluted in Elysium, so a while could mean a few months or a few years. Normally, Percy wouldn't be worried (Nico had a life of his own, after all), but after what Loki had told him when he'd visited a while back...

Infinity stones. A crazy purple titan. Mass genocide.

Percy blew out a breath. The living plane certainly hadn't loss its excitement.

Loki had just shown up out of nowhere at his door months ago, a half-skeleton, half-human woman with him. Percy had been shocked to find out Loki had been killed. Not to mention, his daughter Hela ruled the Norse underworld. Apparently, Hela had pulled some strings—why be the ruler of the dead if you can't jailbreak your deceased Asgardian father to visit his dead Greek friend in a different pantheon's underworld?—and let Loki come to Elysium to see Percy.

It had been good to see the god and catch up. It had also been scary how well Annabeth and Loki had gotten along.

Percy couldn't help the sliver of fear that rose from remembering Loki's words. But Percy wasn't too worried. He knew the demigods and the Avengers could handle themselves. Even against impossible odds, they'd never give up.

Percy shook his head and laid his hand on the brass doorknob. Yeah, they'd never lose—

Percy opened the door and froze. A smile curved on his lips.

Speak of the devil.

"Long time no see, Percy."

Percy just stared at the eccentric, peppered hair billionaire. "Hey, Tony." His gaze flickered to his companion. "Natasha."

Tony smiled at him. He looked exhausted but at the sight of the teen, a spark flickered in his eyes. Natasha's lips turned upward as well, her dyed blonde hair waving in the light breeze. Percy's eyes zeroed in on her neck where a familiar handmade necklace sat. He glanced at Tony and saw a slight bulge under the neck of his black t-shirt, the shape similar to Natasha's.

Warmth rushed through him. Percy leaned back to cover his impending grin and shouted, "Honey, we have visitors!"

Percy finally opened the door wider and stepped aside. "Wanna come in?"

"Who?" came the call down.

Tony and Natasha's smiles broadened. "We'd love to."

As they stepped over the threshold, Percy hollered back, "Just some old friends!"

The End

Whew! It's finally over. I appreciate everyone's support throughout this adventure!

There won't be a sequel :(  but I do have an Avengers/PJO crossover started where everyone is alive. I've also started a Loki/Avengers fanfic.

Let me know what you think about the ending!

Goodbye for now!

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