Blue Cow Ice Cream & Green Hulk Ice Cream-It's Better Than It Sounds

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Percy's eyes snapped open. He gasped, lungs shrieking for air. The god's wild, sea-green eyes flickered erratically across the ceiling. His gaze finally settled on a dent, and he let his breathing slow.

Once he wasn't gasping like a dying fish, he closed his eyes and put a hand to his sweaty forehead. Flashes of memories ran through his head.

Darkness. Cackling. Pain. Blackness.

Percy sat up with a sigh. He swung his legs over the bed, and his shoeless feet sent a shiver up his body when they touched the icy floor. He rubbed his bare arms, trying to rid them of goosebumps.

His nightmares were getting worse. Tartarus still couldn't physically hurt him, but Loki's mental shield could only last so long.

Percy was running out of time.

The god wandered into the kitchen area, a habit he had quickly developed after receiving godhood. He dug through the freezer and pulled out his favorite ice cream: Blue Moo Cookie Dough.

It was blue and had bits of cookie dough. What more could Percy ask for? Not as good as his mom's blue cookies, but it was a close second.

Percy plopped on the couch and stuffed his face with the ice-cold, sugary goodness.

He was a quarter of a way through his gallon—What? He was a growing boy—when Bruce walked in.

Percy couldn't help but sigh. Did no one in this tower sleep? Sure, he was up a lot, but between the nightmares and not-needing-sleep-god-thing, he figured his excuse was pretty good. But he always seemed to run into at least one person at night.

Bruce glanced over, not surprised to see Percy up. "Stress-eating ice cream, huh? Guess I'll join you."

Bruce didn't bother asking the younger male why he was awake. Percy had already told them that he didn't really need sleep. But Bruce had a feeling there was a little more to it. Call it a doctor's instinct, if you will.

Percy side-eyed him. "You're a doctor. Shouldn't you be telling me that eating my emotions is unhealthy or something?"

Bruce shrugged. "In the long run, sure. But it's not that bad every once in a while. It's not like I don't do it, too."

Bruce pulled out his own ice cream and sat down across from Percy. Percy glanced at the container and raised an eyebrow, smirking. "Hulk-A-Hulk-A-Burning Fudge?"

The scientist followed his gaze and grinned. "Yeah. Ben & Jerry's named an ice cream after me. Or, rather, after my giant green alter ego."

Percy shook his head, unable to hold back his smile.

Bruce took a bite of his green dessert, which Percy figured was either mint chocolate chip or some type of pistachio variation. The superhero swallowed. "Tony's got one, too: Stark Raving Hazelnuts. But it's a little chalky, if you ask me."

Percy took a bite and waved his spoon. "Wha' 'bout the Cap'i'n?" He finished his bite. "He got a red, white, and blue ice cream or somethin'?"

Bruce shrugged in a 'beats me' type of manner. "I'm sure he's got something. Probably a Fourth of July special." He winked.

Percy chuckled softly.

The two ate in comfortable silence for a few minutes before Bruce spoke up. "I had a nightmare," he said, answering Percy's silent question.

Percy nodded. It wasn't like there was much he could say. But he could offer the man some of his own troubles. A nightmare for a nightmare.

Percy explained calmly, "I'm running out of time." Bruce glanced up from his food but didn't say anything. "The dreams... they're getting worse. He can't hurt me yet, but," Percy frowned. "Soon," he muttered. "Very soon."

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