Blue Pancakes & Broken Promises

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Percy flipped the blue pancakes cheerfully. They sizzled enticingly on the stainless-steel pan. The delicious smell wafting through the air made his stomach rumble. He'd figured out that, as a god, he didn't actually require food or sleep, but that didn't mean he didn't want to eat.

He assumed that his urges for sleep, as well as food, were just habits from his time as a demigod. They'd probably go away with time.


It seems he'd have a lot of that. His hand paused, and he leaned heavily against the counter. He'd already lost most of his closest friends and family. But he still had some old friends... and he liked to think he had a new family with these mortals. They'd never replace his old one, of course, but they were definitely growing on Percy.

But Percy would still lose all of them.

Even if his old, and new, friends didn't die early—which was unlikely considering their heritage (the demigods) or their line of work (the Avengers)—Percy would still have to watch them grow old and wither away, while Percy stayed the same. And eventually, Percy would become colder and colder, indifferent to others' sufferings and pain.

Percy shuddered at the thought of becoming like the gods, who barely even cared for their own kids.

"Uh, Percy? I think you're burning them."

Percy glanced up. Steve blinked back him, a towel draped over his shoulder and blond hair still dripping. Steve had already gone on a run, worked out at the gym, and showered before most of the other Avengers were even awake. Percy couldn't help but admire that dedication.

"Oh, uh, yeah. Whoops." The god grimaced as dragged the two burnt pancakes from the pan. "My bad."

Steve shrugged. "I've always liked my pancakes a little crispy anyway." The super soldier figured there was an underlying reason for Percy's distracted state but decided not to push it.

"Should we wake the others up?" Steve questioned, gesturing to Percy's quickly growing stack of pancakes.

Percy grinned slightly, exchanging amused looks with Steve. "Yeah, but maybe without the horn this time. I'm not really in the mood to get yelled at again," Percy said, remembering the last time he woke the Avengers for pancakes.

Steve smiled back. "That's probably a good idea."

Percy cocked his head. "Actually, I think some of them might already be awake." He tilted his head to the ceiling. "JARVIS, is anyone else up?"

Besides see you and Capsicle, only Triple Imposter and Full Tilt Diva are up. Shakespeare in the Park, Legolas, Jolly Green, and the Awesomest Avenger are still asleep, Waterboy.

Percy blinked once. Twice. "I understood none of that." He frowned. "And I'm not the best at English, but I'm pretty sure 'awesomest' isn't even a word."

Steve just sighed and shook his head. "Looks like Tony changed everyone's names again. Him and his stupid nicknames."

"Wait. Am I Waterboy?" Percy pointed to himself in question. "'Cause that's pretty unoriginal if you ask me." He exhaled. "Which nobody ever bothers to do," Percy finished under his breath.

"Oh, and Nico slipped off early this morning to go check on camp," the god added, answering the soldier's silent inquiry.

Though Percy thought Nico's sudden concern had more to do with a certain demigod than Camp Half-Blood itself.

Steve scratched his head. "JARVIS, can you tell everyone up to come to the kitchen and eat?" The soldier turned to walk off at the AI's affirmative answer. "You go wake up Tony and Clint. I'll get Thor and Bruce since they can be a little... dangerous to wake up."

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