The Blue Pancake Fiasco

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They wouldn't stop staring at him.

Percy scowled. "Take a picture," he grumbled, sprawled haphazardly on the couch. They'd migrated from the pool area to the living room when Percy adamantly refused to answer any questions until they were all sitting, claiming this would take a while. He'd really just needed time to think. "It'll last longer."

"So what? You're a mutant?"

Percy hesitated. "Not quite."

He met Thor's eye and then glanced up at the ceiling.

"I'm going to tell them."


"Please don't kill me," Percy added for good measure. Because who really knew with the gods?

Nothing. Just the weighty, confused stares of the mortals.

"Okay, then." He took a deep breath. "I'm a Greek demigod. Son of Poseidon, to be exact."

He winced, waiting for a lightning bolt to strike him down. When nothing happened, he opened his eyes warily. He patted his body down and blew out a breath in wonder. "I'm alive."

Percy looked back up to see everyone staring at him. Again.

"What? Do you want an autograph or something? Because I just need to warn you, my penmanship is terrible. Like illegible terrible. My teachers can't even read it. And when they ask me, I can't read it either. Part of that may be because of my dyslexia, so they might not even be real words, but that's not—"

"Percy," Thor interrupted.

"Huh?" Percy looked back at the Avengers, whose looks ranged from bemused to completely bewildered.

"What?" Percy grumbled defensively. "I ramble when I'm nervous."

Thor's lips twitched ever so slightly. "I couldn't tell."

Percy scowled. "I don't appreciate your sarcasm, mister." The demigod rubbed his hands together. "Okay. What do you guys know about Greek mythology?"


"So you're telling me that everything from Greek mythology is real—"

Percy nodded.

"And that you're half god—"

Another nod.

"And that your father is the god of seas and stuff—"

A third nod.

"And that's why you can control water and heal yourself," Tony finished.

Percy blew out a breath and nodded a fourth time.

Tony opened his mouth again.

"Tony, we've already gone over this three times already," Natalie intervened with an exasperated sigh.

"Yeah, but..." Tony waved his hands in random motions.

Percy blinked. "So, maybe it's because I just met you, but I have absolutely no clue what you're trying to say, Tony. Someone want to translate for me?"

Steve shrugged. Bruce exhaled and pushed up his glasses. "Nobody understands Tony-talk except Tony."

"Ah," Percy replied sagely, as if that made total sense.

"So there's really been an entire underground mythological world that no one knows about?"

"Yep. Complete with monsters and everything." His sardonic tone was apparent.

Shards (A Percy Jackson and Avengers Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now