~Instead I brought some bubblegum, Boozka, zooka bubblegum~

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Title is from the Bazooka Bubblegum song.

IMPORTANT: The sentences separated and in italics are bits and pieces of the outside battle. Translation of the Greek sentence at the end.

Percy cried out in pain when the spear, fashioned from darkness, nicked his side. Tartarus was on him in an instance. The celestial bronze sword met the blade of darkness, emitting horrible screeching sounds.

Percy blocked and parried, locked in a deadly dance with the primordial of the Pit. He felt himself weakening but ignored the creeping fatigue.

He just needed to buy a little more time.

Riptide glanced off Tartarus' black armor. Percy's instincts hummed in warning, and the god rocked back on his heels—barely missing an upward slash aimed for his head.

Percy recovered and before he even realized, his sword slashed Tartarus' arm. The primordial howled and swung wildly at Percy, who easily deflected the blow. Unfortunately, Percy missed the shadows forming behind his feet. Pain shot up his leg. He fell to a knee.

Anytime now, Loki.

Percy dove to the side, Tartarus' sword clanging on the rocky ground behind him. The raven-haired god brought Anaklusmos up just in time to prevent his head from being cleaved in half. Tartarus leaned forward, putting all of his weight onto his sword.

"You will fall, Perseus. And I will rise from your ashes," Tartarus hissed, coal eyes glowing.

"A little dramatic don't you think?" Percy huffed, gritting his teeth. His arms shook, and his heel dug into the ground.

Just a little bit more.

"You made a mistake, Tartarus," Percy gasped out. A dry chuckle emerged from his chapped lips.

Tartarus shifted and, when Percy said no more, took the bait. "I do not make mistakes. I am a primordial. I have lived thousands of years longer than your meager life. I am the abyss, the never-ending pit of darkness, hell incarnate!" Tartarus roared. "So, tell me, boy. What mistake could I—a deity older than time itself—have possibly made?"

Percy grinned, eyes dark. "You killed my family."

A soft sound filled the cave. Tartarus glanced around wildly before his eyes finally alighted on the spell-casting Loki. "No," he ground out.

Percy used the immortal's distraction to slam him backwards. Tartarus stumbled back with a snarl, but Percy was on the offensive before the primordial could blink.

"Where do you think you're going?" Percy asked, slashing upward. "The fun's just beginning."

Loki's whispering slowly grew in volume.

Tartarus picked up his speed, desperate to stop the spell. Percy panted, barely able to keep up. His world zeroed in, focusing solely on blocking and parrying—on staying alive.

The sword went through his shoulder. Percy stumbled, slashing wildly to keep Tartarus at bay. The primordial wasn't focused on him, though.

Tartarus lunged forward, shadows and rock already springing into action to stop Loki.

Loki grinned at his attempts, mouth still chanting the words. His eyes spoke where his mouth couldn't.

Too late.

The final word echoed through the chamber.

Tartarus howled as he slowly dissolved into ashes. Percy stared at the swirling embers, blessed silence filling the cave.

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