A Surprising Visitor

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Percy flew backwards, grunting, as he slammed into the floor, his cheek already smarting from the blow. His chair and his plate of pancakes crashed into the floor. Chairs screeched as the Avengers stood up. They had their weapons ready almost before Percy had hit the floor, their fast reflexes honed from dozens of battles. Percy lifted his head up, hissing in pain. He stared into his attacker's raging black eyes. He groaned, letting his head bang back onto the floor.

"Long time, no see, Neeks."

Nico's answering glare could've burned a hole in the floor.

"That's all you've got to say for yourself?" He hissed. "Long time, no see. You're right. It has been a long time. It's been weeks, Perce. Weeks! And not even a single peep. I wouldn't have even known you were alive if—"

He stopped mid-rant with a glance at the confused Avengers. Nico sighed and stood up, pushing the fallen chair out of his way. Percy propped himself up on his elbows and stared at Nico, who stared right back.

"Hey, uh, Percy?" Tony asked hesitantly.

"Hmm?" Percy responded, still engaged in his staring contest.

"What—exactly—is going on?" Tony questioned.

Percy tore his eyes away from Nico (after a look that said to be continued) and glanced around. Percy paled dramatically. "My pancakes," he moaned. He stared dejectedly at his poor, deformed, blue breakfast.

"Err. . . Percy?" Tony asked.

"Huh?" Percy blinked and shook himself out of his daze (his poor pancakes!) and glanced over at the heroes.


He blinked as he realized they were still crouching, battle-ready, and brandishing their weapons. Percy hopped up and dusted himself off after a final glance at his ruined blue dessert.

"You don't need the weapons," Percy answered the puzzled superheroes. His eyes flickered back to the still fuming youth. "I hope," he muttered under his breath.

Percy sighed as he massaged his temples, his eyes flitting back and forth between the Avengers, who were shifting around awkwardly, and Nico, who had his arms crossed and was tapping his feet impatiently while sending Percy a look that could've melted glaciers.

"It's just one thing after another," he murmured. Percy clapped his hands, the sudden noise startling the Avengers. "Okay," Percy declared, rubbing his hands together. "I think I have some explaining to do."


Percy plopped onto the couch with a sigh. They had just finished cleaning up the mess (he hadn't even gotten to eat the rest of his pancakes!). He had finally managed to convince Nico, with a little bit of his infamous puppy-dog eyes, to wait until they were done for an explanation. He had likewise convinced the Avengers to ask their own questions afterward.

The Avengers sat scattered around the circle of chairs. Nico had decided to sit on the armchair directly in front of him. Percy made a face. He was probably too angry to sit next to Percy, but too scared to let Percy out of his sight again. Plus, it was easier to glare at Percy if he was in front of him. Percy rubbed his eyes and sighed for the umpteenth time.

He looked around the room and shifted uncomfortably. Everyone was staring at him with expectant looks. Well, except for Nico. Percy grimaced, slightly annoyed.

Nico had that peeved, emotionless mask on that said I'm PO'd, so don't mess with me unless you want to lose a hand. Percy resisted the urge to shudder. When Nico was angry, everyone knew to stay out of his way unless they wanted to go to the Underworld early.

Of course, Percy was quite experienced with people like that, though. He frowned thoughtfully. Now that he was thinking about it, most of those people were female. Thalia, Reyna, Clarisse, and. . . Annabeth. Percy stared at the floor silently, his eyes darkening. Annabeth.

Percy shook his head and looked up. He grinned sheepishly when he realized everyone was still looking at him expectantly. He had gotten distracted—again. He held back a groan and instead clasped his hands together.

"So," Percy scratched his head. "Where should I start?"

So it was Nico! Who would've guessed? (Definitely not like every single person in the comment section lol.)
Thank you for all the comments and help!

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