Epilogue Part One (of Two)

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Thanks FRIEND_Z for pointing out a mistake (it's fixed now)! Enjoy the rest of the story!

Thalia stared at the god, unable to comprehend the words that just came out of his mouth.

"No," she said, voice shaky. "He can't be dead. He can't. He can't be..." Nico pulled her against him. "He can't," she kept muttering, words muffled by Nico's chest. Her fisted hand clutched his torn shirt.

Nico grimaced, pain flickering in his dark eyes. "Thalia..."

She shoved him. "You knew! Damnit, you knew, and you didn't say anything! You're really living up to your Son of Hades title, Ghost King," she sneered, chuckling crossly.

"Perhaps I should finish—" Loki started hesitantly.

Thalia spun toward the Asgardian, murder on her face. Loki had to force himself not to recoil at the anger rolling off of her.

Thalia had lost so many huntresses—not to mention her best friend and her brother—during the previous war. She couldn't handle anymore death.

Thalia stalked up to him and angrily poked him in the chest. "You were supposed to protect him!" She yelled, tears in her eyes. Loki made no move to retaliate. "You had one job! You were supposed to..." Thalia looked away and swore so violently that even Tony raised his eyebrows. Nico was worried Steve would have an aneurysm.

The Avengers were in varying stages of anger and sadness. Natasha and Clint sat, stone-faced, on the couch. Natasha was leaning against Clint, and Clint had captured her smaller hand in his. Steve and Bruce were both staring at the floor, blank. Luckily, Bruce seemed to be able to keep his alter ego under control.

Tony was pouring himself a third drink, which was impressive considering Loki had only broke the news two minutes ago. Leave it to Tony to find the hidden liquor cabinet. If anyone looked close enough, though, they could see the tycoon's hand shake.

The older demigods and counselors were scattered across the room, as well. Travis and Conner were silent for once. Travis had his arm around Katie's shoulder. Reyna was spinning her knife, a faraway look in her eyes as she stared at the grey walls. Clarisse looked like she was about to storm out and find something to hit.

Everyone gave her and Reyna a wide radius. Will watched despondently as Thalia broke down.

And, perhaps the most shocking of all, Clovis was wide-awake.

Thor spoke up, eyes grave. "I'm sure my brother did all he could—"

"Well, it wasn't enough!" Thalia shouted, transferring her anger to Thor.

"He's in Elysium."

The soft words from Loki might as well have been a scream for how quickly it got everyone's attention. Silence reigned.

"...what?" Thalia whispered, bringing a hand to her mouth.

"The Norns—I believe you Greeks call them the Fates, and Romans the Parcae—appeared to both of us after we vanquished Tartarus."

"The Fates appeared to you and Percy?" Katie asked in awe.

Reyna straightened in surprise. "The Parcae actually talked to you?"

"Impossible," Clarisse muttered.

Loki nodded. "They arrived as we were both dying. I from my wounds and seiðr overuse. Percy because he cut his string himself to sever Tartarus' connection with him."

Nico blinked, tone incredulous. "Percy cut his own string?"

A half-smile spread across Thalia's face. "That sounds like Percy. Going out on his own terms, not some old ladies.'"

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