Round And Round In Circles We Go

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"Thor, why the hell is Reindeer Games here?!"

Tony's outburst seemed to burst the dam, shouts flooding from the crack that seemed to be growing bigger and bigger by the second.

"Thor, are you crazy?!"

"Loki's a freakin' monster!"

"What the BLEEPING hell is wrong with you?!" Tony continued angrily.

"Friends!" Thor boomed. His gaze flickered to Bruce, whose green veins were spreading up into his neck. Loki shifted, eyeing the scientist warily. He had no wish to reexperience the raging green monster's brutal strength.

Bruce inhaled slowly, before glancing around, realizing everyone was staring at him. "I'm fine." His voice was taut. The spiderweb of green slowly faded from his veins.

Thor coughed slightly. "Right." Everyone's attention shifted from Bruce to the god. And from the amount of glaring he received, he quickly regretted speaking up. "Uh..." he started. The mortals stared at him impatiently.

Thor took a deep breath, already knowing his next words weren't going to help matters. "I believe Loki can help young Perseus."

"Huh?!" came the intelligent responses.

"Thor, you've really lost your marbles," Tony exclaimed. He ran a hand through his dark hair in agitation.

Thor blinked, confused. "I do not believe I have any marbles to lose." Thor hesitated. "Marbles are those circular, colorful toy balls, correct?"

Tony sighed. "I forget that you're worse than Cap," he muttered, ignoring Steve's frown. Louder, he said, "Yes, Point Break. It's a figure of speech. Means you're cuckoo. Bonkers. Got a screw loose. Nutty as a fruitcake. One fry short of a Happy Meal." Tony whistled and moved his finger in a circle next to his head, the well-known sign for crazy.

Tony sighed at the two gods' blank expressions, resisting the sudden urge to facepalm. "Insane, Thor. Insane. I'm calling you insane."

Thors face brightened as he finally understood what the Midgardian was going on about. "Ah, thank you, Man of Iron."

Loki rolled his eyes, something that quickly become a habit when he was in his brother's presence too long.

Tony sighed again. "It wasn't a compliment, Thor." He shook his head. I need a drink, he thought. Between Steve's lack of knowledge about anything modern and Thor's lack of knowledge about, well, basically everything Earth-ly, Tony was starting to develop a constant migraine. If Tony wasn't an alcoholic before all this, he definitely was now.

Thor frowned as a sudden thought occurred to him. "Where is Hades' son?"

Natasha spoke up from her position against the wall. "He's watching Percy."

Thor nodded in thanks.

Tony redirected the conversation back to the problem at hand. "So you think Rock of Ages over here," he gestured to Loki, who had wandered over to the couch and was staring at them with one of the most uninterested expressions that Tony had ever seen (and Tony was a pro at bored faces), "can help Percy?"

Steve grimaced. "Even if he could, I'm not sure that it's the best idea, Thor."

Bruce tilted his head in agreement, while Natasha stayed silent.

"He's not getting anywhere near Percy," Clint expressed vehemently. He had grown a soft spot for the teen, and the archer was sure as heck not gonna let this monster see him.

Loki yawned exaggeratedly as the conversation went in circles. "If I will not be getting 'anywhere near' Poseidon's progeny," he started, mocking the agent, "then I see not why I am here." He stood with a flourish.

Shards (A Percy Jackson and Avengers Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now